Chapter Ten

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Two weeks after the bombing at the Center.

I'm feeling much better now. Veronica is alright, thankfully. Flora, Austin, Claire, Gina, Jake, Wesley, Hailey, and Nick were all very worried about is. Flora wouldn't let me out of her sight for the past two weeks and it's getting kind of annoying.

Instead of our usual classes, every student has been moved to the gym or outside to practice their Gifts. I've become very skilled with mine, and it's terrifying that we all have to fight in a war.

I haven't had another dream about the Extras since the bombing, and I'm disappointed yet relieved at the same time. Relieved that I don't have to go through that again, and kind of disappointed that I can't glimpse into their plotting and see what the next thing they're planning is.

Thankfully, I'm not the one who had to go through it.

"Everyone! Give me your full attention!" I hear a familiar voice, definitely a girl, yell into the speaker from the main office. I'm outside practicing my Gift with Veronica, Flora, Austin, Claire, and Nick, and the voice booms from the speakers hooked around the academy.

"I had a dream about the Extras last night!" The voice exclaims, sounding frantic and scared. Everyone gasps and there are terrified murmurs and whispers all around me.

I hear Claire gasp from next to me.

"Gina?" Claire whispers to herself, loud enough for me to hear. When the girl speaks again, I can also tell that it's Gina who's talking through the speaker.

"They were plotting something against us! But even worse, they know things that they shouldn't! They know who everyone here is. They have files on everyone, including me. They have our names, our class schedules, and they also know that we're practicing our Gifts instead of doing our normal classes!" Gina breathes heavily, and I can tell that she hasn't been getting enough sleep lately. I can tell from the hint of tiredness in her voice. But that's not what's bothering me. How do the Extras know everything about us?

"That can only mean thing," Gina continues. I listen closely, not wanting to miss a single word she says. She takes a deep breath before finishing and turning the speakers off.

"There's a traitor here in Gift Academy."

There's an outburst of yells, accusations, and other things I can't even comprehend. My mind races as I try to put the pieces together as who the traitor might be.

It can't be Flora, I would've known if she had been doing something like this. Besides, she has only been here for a few weeks. Austin seems too loyal do Gift Academy to do anything bad to it. Claire seems like the type would never do anything wrong. Nick is a bit quiet, but he's a close friend of Austin, and he wouldn't do something like that. It's obviously not Gina, she just confirmed that there was a traitor here. Hailey is Ginas roommate and her best friend, she wouldn't do anything to hurt her. Jake and Wesley are so nice it seems impossible to even think that they pull pranks on people.

My mind lands on Veronica. She's the one who wanted to go to the Center so badly, exactly where the bombing happened two weeks ago. And when I met up with her for the first time after the bombing, she didn't seem very hurt.

No. It can't be Veronica. She wouldn't hurt a fly. She's my roommate and my best friend, and she's so kind everyone. I mentally slap myself for even starting to suspect her.

I sigh as I realize that the traitor can't be anyone I know. There are hundreds of students at Gift Academy, it can be any one of them. The problem is how we're going to figure out who it is.

My mind reels until Mr. Hernandez and Mrs. Thompson, the two teachers helping our big group with our Gifts today usher us inside, signaling that class is over, but I know it's not. I know that they want us all to get out of their way, so they can find out who the traitor/spy is. But that's not going to stop me.

I'm going to help them, no matter what happens.


I have never been more relieved to get something off my chest.

I had that horrible dream last night, and I can't get it out of my head. I was brought in for questioning a while ago. I told them everything I know. I explained the whole dream to them. Three teenagers talking about stuff they shouldn't know. Two guys, one girl. I caught their names, too. Emily, Mike, and Liam. I also found out what Gifts each have. Emily has the Gifts of wind and fire, Liam has the Gifts of nature and light, and Mike has the Gifts of water and darkness. Two Gifts each. Definitely Extras.

The people who questioned me told me to get some sleep, hoping that I'd have another dream. I want to have another one of those dreams to get more information about the Extras, but I also don't want to go through that horrifying experience again.

I head up to my dorm, feeling sick and scared. Whoever this traitor is better show him or herself soon or else I'm going to go crazy.

I unlock the door to my dorm and walk in, immediately being engulfed in a giant hug by Hailey. She isn't usually a softie unless it has something to do with your friends and family. When Hailey lets go of me, she looks straight at me, worry and concern in her eyes.

"Are you okay, G? Why didn't you tell me about that dream? Where were you?" Hailey questions me frantically, starting to look scared for me. I almost smile at her, being the amazing friend she is.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I didn't tell you because I was ashamed of it. And also, I wanted to tell the whole school at once. And I was just being questioned by a few teachers, they didn't do anything or start blaming me," I answer all of her questions. She looks relieved and drags me to the couch, where we both start discussing who the traitor might be.

I have only one person on my mind. I don't say it to Hailey for fear that she might judge me. But everything started going wrong when she came.



I don't care about the traitor/spy. All I care about it my sister. Fay may be only twelve minutes younger than me, but she's still my little sister. I don't want anything to happen to her. When I heard about the bomb at the town, I was terrified for her.

I really hope she's doing okay.

Gift Academy (Book One in the Gifted Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora