Chapter Twenty Five

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My mind reels and my ears ring violently as I go over this in my head.

Mr. Hernandez, the teacher we've grown so fond to over the past few weeks, the one who drove Hailey and Claire to Extra Academy, told us where the schedules of the other Gifted are, and brought the other Gifted to Extra Academy to help Jake and Wesley escape, is an Extra.

The flames in his hand die, leaving just the small ball of water in his other hand.

"Why- how? I-I don't understand," I tell him honestly. My brain is completely mixed. Why haven't we found out? Why hasn't he told us?

Is he the traitor?

"I didn't want to be an Extra. That's what I told Gift Academy a few years ago when I first enrolled here. They took me in, but they told me to not tell anyone, even my students, that I'm an Extra. And I've been trying to let go of the fact that I'm an Extra ever since," Mr. Hernandez explains to me. I think over his words, wondering what I should believe.

"So, you're know, with them?" I ask him, nodding my head at the Extras fighting for their lives. Mr. Hernandez just shakes his head.

"I never was, and I never will be."

I'm not sure what to believe. I trusted Mr. Hernandez with my life, and he's now telling me that he's an Extra?

"Believe me, Fay. If the other teachers hadn't forced me to hide the fact that I'm an Extra, I would've told you and your friends already," Mr. Hernandez tells me, as if reading my mind. I think for a few more moments, wondering about what I should do. It feels like hours I'm standing there, thinking, while Mr. Hernandez stares at me hopefully, and a little guiltily as well. After a few arguments with myself in my head, I finally come up with the right thing to say.

"I won't tell anyone. And I still trust you," I tell Mr. Hernandez, and he smiles at me.

"Thank you, Fay. Let's go," Mr. Hernandez replies, and I follow him to the center of the battle, where there are a huge mix of elements. Fire, water, nature, earth, darkness, light, and wind Gifted and Extras fight to save their lives. Or to kill. I'm never really sure when it comes to these people.

Mr. Hernandez and I fight through the huge crowd, and everything seems to be going okay for the Gifted. They're going along with Haileys plan, circling the Extras and closing in on them. Soon enough we'll have them surrounded.

I start to feel hopeful just as a howl pierces the air. Everyone freezes, no longer fighting each other. It seems like everyone's confused.

Hundreds of more howls follow, all I can tell from different animals.

"Oh god," Mr. Hernandez mutters. I turn to look at him and he looks scared for the first time.

"What? What is it?" I ask him, looking around for the source of the noise.

"Quick History of Gift Academy lesson," Mr. Hernandez starts. Oh great, something else besides the Extras.

"The Gifted had a little help during the first war with the Extras. The Shifters," Mr. Hernandez continues, leaving me baffled.

"I'm sorry, the what?" I ask, my eyes widening at what that might mean. Mr. Hernandez sighs, like it's hard to explain, which I'm pretty sure it is.

"Shape shifters. They can transform into any real animal they want," Mr. Hernandez explains. My heart thumps rapidly. I'll admit, I'm afraid. These Shifters can just be a rabbit and suddenly turn into a bear and kill someone.   

"Okay. And how do we beat them?" I ask Mr. Hernandez, praying for a good, specific answer. Mr. Hernandez just shakes his head, darting his eyes everywhere.

"I have no idea," He answers honestly.

Well that's helpful.


The howls come closer and closer, but I can't see where they're coming from. They seem to be coming from everywhere, from all different types of animals.

I get in position, ready to trigger my Gift if I need to.

I hear a low growl from close behind me, slowly coming closer. A dark shade of black forms in my hands, and I whip around just in time to see a flash of black fur lunge at me. I thrust my hand out towards the animal, showering it with black light. I jump out of the way and the beast rolls around in front of me, writhing around and howling as it's unable to see anything. I breathe heavily and take a closer look at the animal.

A wolf. A huge, black-furred wolf with dark brown, human-like eyes. How human-like its eyes are scares me, so I cover the wolf in a cloud of darkness, just so I don't have to look at it.

The question is, what is a wolf doing out here, in the middle of nowhere?

My question is somewhat answered when the wolfs shape starts to transform, and it soon shape shifts into a regular teenage guy with short, curly black hair, dark brown eyes, and tan skin. He turns and scowls at me, then his figure once again changes, but now to a huge black bear, growling at me ferociously with a mad glint in his eyes.

I summon my Gift again as the shape-shifter lunges at me, clawing at me wildly. I jump out of the way of his three-inch long claws, sending a blast of darkness his way and causing him to fall over and roar loudly. I tighten the darkness around him, and soon enough, it's so strong he's barely able to breathe. I don't know who this is, or how they can shape-shift, but they attacked me the moment they could. I need to protect myself, and all the other Gifted.

I clench my hands into fists, the dark cloud surrounding the bear thickening. After a few seconds, the roaring dies down to a slight whimper, then to a quiet, human-like shout. When it all stops, I let the dark cloud disappear. The shape-shifter, now back to his human body, is lying on the ground, unmoving, his back facing me. I stand up and cautiously walk over to him, wary of any move he makes. He might be faking and lunge at me the moment he gets a chance.

When I'm close enough, I quickly roll him so his back is lying on the grass, and his eyes are closed. I reach out and place two fingers on the side of his neck, checking for a pulse. I breathe a sigh of relief when I feel a pulse. Slow, but there.

I stand up again and look around at the surrounding battle. The Extras and fellow Gifted seem to have forgotten about each other and are now fighting the mysterious shape-shifters, but they can't hold them off much longer. We'll have to retreat soon before anything bad happens.

I once again hear a growl from behind me, but this time, I turn around too late.

I whip around and the last thing I see is light gray fur and piercing, light blue eyes before a bunch of huge, sharp claws lash out at my face.

Everything turns black.

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