Chapter Thirty One

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"You're...You're serious?" I ask my crazy twin sister.

Me, Fay, Austin, Jake, Wesley, Claire, and the Extra, Jennifer, are all gathered around in Fays dorm, and this situation is one that I don't want to be involved in. 

"One hundred percent. We just need two volunteers to go with Jennifer to meet Alison Davis. The Shifters will help us in this war, we just need to talk with them," Fay explains. All us Gifted look at her like she's crazy, which she most likely is. 

"Okay, I know this might help, but can we really trust a random Extra who claims they're going to help us?" Wesley asks, glancing at Jennifer, who looks down at the floor. 

"I know it sounds stupid, but this could work. We could win the war with the help of the Shifters," Fay tells us all, bouncing on her feet. I sigh heavily, thinking all this through. Before, she explained that she has to meet with Mr. Hernandez again tomorrow after classes, so she can't go. She didn't tell us why she had to meet our teacher, and didn't invite anyone else over, which is odd. She usually involves at least one of her friends when she has something to do.

Maybe this can really help us. 

"Okay, fine. I'll go," I speak up, looking Fay straight in the eyes. She gives me a warm smile, which warms my heart. I love to see my sister happy and safe and feel so guilty about all this happening to her. And she's getting the worst of it. 

"Alright, who's coming with me?" I ask everyone bluntly. I look around, but no one speaks up. I sigh again and skim the faces of everyone in the room, and none of them look me in the eye.

"Austin, you're coming with me," I tell Austin. He jerks his head up, startled, his dark eyes wide. 

"What? But-" He starts, but I cut him off with a wave of my hand.

"Too bad. You're coming," I interrupt and restrain myself from laughing at the look of pure shock and amazement on Austins face. And by the looks on everyone else's faces, they're obviously trying not to laugh, either.

"Jennifer, when do we leave?" I ask Jennifer, who jumps up a bit at me speaking directly to her, but she doesn't hesitate answering me. 

"When classes begin, so none of the other students get in our way of leaving," Jennifer answers, fiddling nervously with a curl from her hair, which is now flowing freely down her shoulders; dark and silky like melted chocolate. 

I blink multiple times, wondering where that thought came from. Usually Fay is the one with the nice, poetic descriptions, not me. I'm the straight-forward one.

War really does change people. 


I did not sign up for this. 

Flora just kind of forced me to. I'm not really complaining, I was just hoping that I could go with Fay to see Mr. Hernandez. I want to know what they're discussing. I don't want to be left out. 

I shake these thoughts out of my head as I pretend to walk to my first class. I sneak a look around at everybody, and when I'm sure no one's looking in my direction, I quickly duck into the library, where Flora told me to meet her so we can find Jennifer in the parking lot. 

I don't fully trust Jennifer yet, but she seems nice enough. She's very fiddly and nervous, and she looks trustworthy. Of course, that can all be an act, but I'm not counting on it. 

I look around the library and catch Flora waving me over from the back of the room. My breathing quickens and my heart races. I feel numb and butterflies roam wildly in my stomach just looking at her.

Wait. That's Flora. Not Fay.

Yeah, I do that a lot. 

I know it's stupid and wrong, but every time I see Flora, I think of Fay. They look exactly alike; the only way people can tell the difference is the look on their faces. Flora is more formal (Flormal?) and has a serious look in her eyes, a look of deep concentration and intelligence while Fay has a more playful shine to her eyes. She's much more loose and lets her hair fall freely while Flora likes to decorate her hair with braids. 

I head over to Flora; who now has the top of her hair pulled back in a couple braids and letting the rest fall freely on the bottom. She gives me a quick smile before going back to her 'let's get down to business' look; her posture tall and proud, her eyes analyzing and curious. 

"When should we go?" I ask Flora quietly, hoping that no one can hear us. The only other people here are the two librarians and a few other Gifted. 

"As soon as the bell rings. Everyone should be in their classes by then," Flora answers, and as if on cue, the first bell rings, and I notice the lack of chatter and laughter outside in the winding hallways. I glance out the doors and there's no one in the halls. I look back at Flora, who now wears a worried, nervous expression. She glances at me and back to the doors, and without another word, walks out of the library. I follow her to the front doors. She opens them silently and continues walking, almost fearlessly, to the parking lot, where many different cars are; and Jennifer Walker, younger sister of Emily Walker, waiting for us near a black Jeep. 

She spots us and waves us over, biting her lip nervously. Is she planning something? Is she waiting for the perfect time to attack us? Are there other Extras or Shifters waiting for her signal to come out and kill us?

If I walk over there, this Extra, our supposed enemy, will have hundreds of perfect opportunities to kill me and Flora.

I walk over there. 

"Okay. Let's go?" Flora asks, almost in a bored tone. I know she's scared on the inside but hides it so if Jennifer really is going to stab us in the back (literally or figuratively), she knows who she's dealing with. 

Jennifer nods her head in agreement and starts walking down the street towards the now wrecked town, where we're going to meet Alison Davis. 

I could die if I follow her. The Extras and Shifters could get information on the Gifted and use it against us in battle if I follow her. 

I follow her.

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