Chapter Thirteen

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"What is it?" Mr. Hernandez asks us, a hint of concern and curiosity in his voice. I sigh before answering.

"Heh, it's kind of hard to explain..." I trail off, then tell Mr. Hernandez our plan. He just nods his head the whole time, frowning.

When I finally finish, Mr. Hernandez stays silent for a few seconds before speaking up again.

"That seems- like a very dangerous thing to do, Fay," Mr. Hernandez tells me. I nod my head.

"I know, Mr. Hernandez, but we're willing to take the risk," I reply. Mr. Hernandez sighs.

"Okay, what do you want me to do?" He asks me. I'm shocked that he would just agree to something like this, especially since he's the teacher here.

"You're just going help us and agree to this?" Wesley asks Mr. Hernandez. He shrugs.

"I think what you're doing is very brave and smart. We should do whatever it takes to win this war," Mr. Hernandez replies. I inhale. He really is the best teacher in the world.

"Well, Mr. Hernandez, we just need to know where the office keeps the extra schedules of all the students," I inform him. He nods his head.

"That would be in the second cabinet of the drawer to the very left of the computer in the main office," Mr. Hernandez answers calmly. I smile at him.

"Thank you, Mr. Hernandez," I think him. He smiles back at me.

"Anytime. Good luck, Fay," he replies, his eyes filling with warmth and compassion.

I give him a nod and exit the classroom, closing the door behind me.

"Well, that was easy," Hailey says brightly. I chuckle.

"So, when should we get those schedules?" Wesley ask me. I look around and notice that there are no more students in the halls and that it's getting dark outside.

"Now. Let's go," I order Hailey and Wesley and make my way to the main office. We all peek inside and see the same woman who gave Flora and I our schedules sitting behind the desk, typing something into the computer.

"Hailey?" I whisper. She smirks.

"I know what to do," She responds, then holds her hand towards the unsuspecting woman. It suddenly becomes dark around the woman, leaving only one room in the main office with light in it. The woman looks around frantically for a light source. She quickly finds her way to the room with light in it. When she closes the door behind her, Hailey, Wesley, and I sneak into the office.

Hailey makes it light for us again but keeping the other parts of the office dark so the woman doesn't see us.

"Okay. Wesley, get the files. I'll keep watch," I order Wesley. He nods his head at me, then opens the second drawer of the cabinet left of the computer the woman was using, just like Mr. Hernandez told us. I look outside the window of the main office, seeing if anyone is entering, Thankfully, it's clear.

"Got 'em!" Wesley whisper-shouts to us. I look back at him and he's grabbing huge mountains of papers from the cabinet. He closes the drawer, making sure he doesn't make any noise. He finds an empty trash can next to the desk and dumps all the schedules in there. Then he lifts it up and walks to the door.

"Okay, let's go," I whisper to Hailey and Wesley. Hailey nods her head and we slowly back out of the main office. When we're out of sight of the main office, Hailey lets the darkness fade and the lights in the office turn on again. The woman, looking a bit scared, cautiously walks out of the room and looks around. She quickly sits back at the desk and stares at the computer screen, wide-eyed, probably hoping she just imagined that all happened.

"Alright, let's go back to my dorm," Hailey whispers to Wesley and I. We nod our heads and we rush upstairs and burst into Hailey's room.

"Did you get the schedules?" Jake asks us. I smile and gesture to the trash can full of the papers Wesley's holding. He smiles and shows everyone the schedules. Everyone else slightly brightens at the sight of them.        

"Alright, let's all get some sleep. Tomorrow, we start to do everything," I tell everyone. One by one, we all head back to our dorms. I get ready for sleep and crash on my bed, exhausted by everything that happened today. I know this isn't the end, though. Things are just getting started. We still have an entire war to finish.

With the war and the Extras on my mind, I slowly drift off into a deep sleep.

I'm cold and in complete darkness. I hear voices from a distance. They're familiar voices.

"We can't afford to lose another bomb unless we're actually on the battlefield," A girl's voice says. I walk towards the voices and see them. Emily, Mike, and Liam. They're in a dorm room, obviously discussing something important.

"But we can cut off all their supplies-" Mike starts, but is cut off by Emily.

"No! We only have five bombs left, we can't waste them on cutting off their food and water supply. And when we take the academy, where will we get the food and water from? Besides, what's the fun in just watching them starve and thirst to death?" Emily smirks.

"Also, if our little spy finds anything out about those stupid Gifted, they'll tell us," Emily adds.

"True..." Mike trails off, looking at Liam. "What do you think, Liam?" he asks. Liam sighs.

"I still think it's wrong. They have their academy, and we have ours, we shouldn't just try to take it from them," Liam answers sheepishly. Emily glares ice daggers at him.

"Those losers killed off half our population just to have a school to themselves! They should- and will- know how it feels!" Emily yells. She breathes heavily and turns away from Liam, who looks ashamed for saying that.

"We'll contact our spy tomorrow, see is they found anything about the Gifted. Train the others ten times harder than usual. Those one-Gifted idiots are going to pay for what they did to us," Emily growls, then leaves the dorm, slamming the door loudly behind her. Liam sighs and looks at his apparent roommate, Mike.

"Sorry about saying that. I guess the Gifted did do really bad things to us in the first war," Liam tells Mike, who just shrugs his shoulders.

"Just don't let it happen again, especially in front of Emily. And get some sleep. We have a lot of training to do tomorrow. Or Emily's going to rip us apart limb by limb," Mike replies. Liam chuckles and heads to his room and Mike walks to his. The last thing I hear is a bedroom door being closed before I wake up in a cold sweat, in even worse condition than I was when I woke up from the first dream I had.

I try to slow my breathing. I can't focus on that dream right now.

Because today, our missions to win the war officially begin.

Gift Academy (Book One in the Gifted Series)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin