Chapter Eight

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I get ready for my day in town with Veronica. I wear a simple bright purple t-shirt, a pair of short shorts, and my black and white converse. I slip my phone in my pocket and sling my brown leather purse around me. I walk out of my room and see Veronica ready, sitting on the couch and flipping through the channels on the T.V. She hears my bedroom door close and looks behind her, grinning widely. She jumps off the couch and turns to face me.

"I was thinking of getting breakfast in town. There's a really great restaurant you should try," Veronica informs me. I smile at her.

"Okay. Let me finish getting ready and we'll leave," I reply, then head to the bathroom. Veronica nods her head and turns back to the T.V, continuing to flip through the different channels. I walk into the bathroom, my head still pounding. All the memories from the dream I had last night come flooding to me. Usually I forget all the dreams I have, but now it's almost as if I actually lived it yesterday.

What if I did?

I shake these thoughts out of my head and brush my hair and teeth. When I'm done, I walk back into the living room and head to the door, grabbing my keys to the dorm room from the coffee table. Veronica smiles and jumps off the couch, turning the T.V off. She also grabs her keys, slipping on her shoes, and grabs her purse from the couch. I open the dorm room door and Veronica happily skips out of the dorm and into the hallways, which is starting to fill with students heading to the buses or their own cars. I take one more look at my dorm. Why does it feel like this is the last time I'll ever see it this way again? 

I shake the thoughts from my head. I can't let this ruin my day with Veronica. Maybe that dream was just a random, weird dream.

But it felt so real.

I lock the dorm door and slam it shut, then start to walk with Veronica to the stairs until I hear a voice call to me from behind.


I turn around and see Flora rushing up to me, looking tired. I see Claire standing in the doorway to her dorm behind her.

"Yeah?" I ask her, Veronica now at my side.

"Claire, Gina, Austin, Hailey, Wesley, Jake, Nick, and I are making a study group today instead of going to town. Do you and Veronica want to join? We're meeting in my dorm," Flora asks Veronica and I, looking slightly hopeful. A part of me wants to go with her and forget about the dream and the horrible thoughts filling my mind, the feeling that something terrible is going to happen today, at the town. I can just study with my caring twin sister and my closest friends, laughing and talking the day away.

But if something is going to happen at town, I need to know what it is. Maybe I can stop it. But I can't leave all the other Gifted to find out for themselves. Besides, I'm the only one who knows something is going to happen. I have to go.

"Sorry, Flora. This is the first trip to town of the year. I really want to see it. I'll study with you when I get back, I promise. See you later, Flora," I tell her, waving goodbye to her as Veronica and I head towards the stairs again.

"That was kind of weird," Veronica points out. I just shrug my shoulders.

"She's my twin, she always wants to hang out with me. It's fine though, I can always hang out with her. Today we're going to go to town and forget about it," I explain to Veronica, who smiles and happily skips down the stairs. I follow closely behind her, and we make our way out the front door and to the side of the academy, where there's a small parking lot I didn't notice before. I follow Veronica as she leads me to her car, a cherry red Ferrari. Sweet ride, V.

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