Chapter Thirty Six

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I'm not sure what to think.

It's obvious that Fay knows a lot that we don't, and I need to know. It kills me that she has to hold all that information by herself. She should have someone to share it with her.

"The Death Dagger is the most powerful dagger out of the three. It can kill more than the Life and Fate Daggers combined," the guy starts, and I'm still confused. What are these daggers exactly? What can they do and why are they so important?

And who are the Winged and the Flairs?

"Where is it?" Fay asks, still staring at the so-called 'Life Dagger' in front of her, which is still glowing a bright white, like the moon.

"That's the problem. We don't know," the guy answers, and Fay whips her head at him with wide eyes.

"What?" She asks, her voice slightly shaking. What is so important about this dagger? How is it so dangerous? What's the Fate Dagger, and what did the guy mean when he said that Fay is the 'wielder'?

"The Death Dagger has been missing long before the first Gifted War. No one knows where it is, and there's an even bigger problem than that. We're not the only ones looking for it," the guy explains, his fingers nervously tapping against his dark blue jeans.

"The ones who it was created for," Fay guesses, and the guy nods his head.

"The Flairs."

I don't know much about the Flairs, or these daggers, but I vividly remember Alison Davis mentioning them.

We want to help the Gifted in the war, and so do the Winged. The Flairs on the other hand...

"Alison mentioned them. She said something about them not wanting to help the Gifted," I inform, and the guy and Fay look at me, a nervous and anxious look on their faces. The guy nods his head again, looking back at the Life Dagger grimly.

"The Flairs were neutral in the first Gifted war. They wanted nothing to do with it. They were too busy searching for the Death Dagger. But they never found it. And now, I guess they decided to side with the Extras, which is a huge loss. Out of all the groups, they are the most powerful, with extraordinary powers, more than elemental." The guy has a far-away look in his eyes, almost like Floras when we were heading back to Gift Academy after the meet with Alison.

"And if they find the dagger before us..." Fay trails off, chewing her bottom lip nervously. She has been so distant and anxious lately, it makes me sick. I want to help her, but I don't know how. I don't even know what she needs help with.

"The war is already lost," the guy finishes. There's tense silence in the room, the only sounds the creaking of the stone ceiling far above and our heavy breathing.

"Well if it's so important, we have to go look for it," Flora speaks up. I look at her and she has a wide range of emotions on her face; shock, eagerness, surprise, but also calm. How can she be so calm through this? I know she's a water Gifted, and they're basically all calm through tough situations like this one, but still. This is much more than a stupid pop quiz or late homework assignment. This is life or death, and unfortunately, I actually agree with Flora.

"We will, and we know how. Fay here is the wielder of the Fate Dagger, which is hidden in Gift Academy. With the Life Dagger, we're going to meet with the Winged and find the wielder. Together, I'm almost sure that the power of two wielders with their daggers can help locate the Death Dagger before the Flairs or Extras do," the guy explains, and I take a look at Fay. She looks worried, nervous, scared- but ready to do whatever it takes. She's brave and loyal, I know that if anyone could wield one of these daggers, it's her.

"When are they going to meet us?" Fay questions, fiddling with her flower necklace. I feel a small twist of joy in my chest, just looking at her with my gift to her. It makes me feel warm inside, despite the fact that I'm immune to heat.

"Soon. They're not exactly the 'planning' type. They'll come whenever they can," the guy answers, and Fay nods her head, an almost dark look in her eyes.

"But, I have to warn you. Using the daggers, their powers, can...change people," the guy quickly adds. Fay freezes for a moment before looking back up at him.

"What do you mean? Change how?" Flora asks, a worried expression on her face. The guy hesitates before answering.

"It can bring out the worst in people. It could drive them power-hungry, or vengeful. It has only happened once before in history, and it was catastrophic. We can't have it happen again." He glances at Fay. Her jaw tightens, and she stands a bit straighter.

"Not going to happen." Is all she says. The guy hesitates before slowly nodding his head. I'm not sure if he's doing that just to please Fay or if he really believes it.

"Hopefully not." The guy is about to say something else when I speak up.

"By the way, how did you know that Fay is the Fate Dagger wielder? And how did your eyes change color?" I inquire. The guy inhales sharply but takes a deep breath and stares me in the eye.

"I'm not a Shifter. I'm not an Extra or a Gifted, either," the guy replies. I think this over before my mind makes a quick decision.

"A Flair?"

"No, and I'm not a Winged, either."

Okay, I was very confused before, but now I'm just totally hopeless.

Fay is about to speak up, a look of knowing on her face, but at that moment there's a sudden BOOM outside, not nearly as loud as the bomb at the Town (we actually heard it from Gift Academy), but enough to cause the basement ceiling to rumble, bits of small rock and ash raining down on us.

"Oh god," the guy mutters.

"What? What is it?" Flora asks frantically, almost losing her 'calm' streak. Almost.

"The Extras. Unfortunately, the Winged aren't the only ones who want the Life Dagger. They thought the same thing as us. Find the Fate and Life Dagger wielders and use them to track the Death Dagger," the guy quickly responds, and I glance at Fay, who now looks terrified. Before I can stop myself, or yell at my brain again, I reach for her hand and grab it, softly squeezing it reassuringly. She gives me a small smile, and I could swear I could see a small blush forming on her cheeks. Maybe it's my imagination, or just the light of the Life Dagger.

Another small BOOM, and I rush to the basement steps, dragging Fay along with me. The guy whose name I still don't know for some reason and Flora follow quickly behind.

The guy mutters something I can't hear and rushes back down the few steps he took. I stop where I am and wait for him, looking down the stairs. A few seconds later, he comes back up, holding the small glass case holding the Life Dagger.

"Come on, go!" He orders us, and we all run up the steps. It feels like minutes before we reach the open door again. The others are all there, wide-eyed and worried.

"Okay, let's go," Alex tells us, and we all rush back to the front doors of the academy, where the small booms continue, coming from outside. All the Gifted except John glance warily at the glass case in the guys' hands. I guess a random guy we just met holding a glowing dagger while our enemies bomb the academy make people a bit wary.

"Shifters! Hand them over!" A female voice calls from outside the front doors.


I glance at Fay, one of the two wielders they're looking for.

No, they can't possibly know. Not already.

And that's when they start breaking down the door. 

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