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We've made it quite far off from where we came from. Through the endless heat, we entered a broken down city. It was a ghost town, kind of like the ones you see in Western movies, but more modern.
Suddenly, we heard engines growling.
"What is that?" I asked.
Everybody looked up at the sky, looking for the source of that sound.

"There! Its a... Berg? W.I.C.K.E.D is searching for us!" Exclaimed Thomas.

"Everybody, Hide!" Yelled Minho.

But where the bloody hell do we hide!?

"Over here!" Yelled Newt, who was crouching by a fallen piece of concrete surrounded by scraps of metal.

We all huddled together beneath it, and tried to get a glimpse of the flying Berg.
As it flew, it sent a strong force of wind, letting the sand fly all over the place.
Once the engines we were no longer able to hear the engines, we crawled out, knowing to be more aware of our surroundings.
We all stood up, and asked one another if we were alright, but Winston...
He was still laying under the concrete piece, with his stomach rotting in the place the Cranks had shredded him.

"Mel, what do we do?" Asked Frypan, who was Winstons best friend.

"Why is everyone asking me?!" I exclaimed, completely panicking.

"You were a med student before you came here!" Pointed out Teresa.

"She WAS!?" Exclaimed Newt in complete shock.

"I never knew that..." Said Minho below his breath, which made me a bit guilty of not telling anybody.

"FOCUS!" Yelled Frypan.

"Uh... Okay.. Winston, can you stand up? Or walk?" I asked.

That might of been the stupidest question...

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I CAN!?" He exclaimed back.

"ALRIGHT! Frypan, get those sticks over there, Newt, do you still have the scarf?" I asked

"Yes" he replied, and handed it over.

I put my backpack down, and took out a long skirt I had found at the abandoned mall.

"Mel now is not the time for playing dress up" said Teresa

"Shut up!" I yelled.

I can't focus when I'm distracted...

Frypan ran back with the sticks.

"Why do we need these?"

I placed the sticks side by side, leaving a small space between to wrap the long skirt to, and big enough for winston.

"Aris! You look like a crafty person, help Thomas make a gurney" I ordered, and the two of them started to work together on the gurney.

I crawled over to Winston with the scarf, and grabbed a bottle of water with me.

"Lay down" I demanded Winston.

After he did that, I poured a bottle of water onto the wound, and onto the scarf.

"IT STINGS!" He screamed.

I wrapped the scarf around the wound, covering majority of it, flipped Winston around, and tied it together around the back.

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