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(Mels P.O.V that flashback is over)


I woke up with Thomas sitting beside me, as I heard screams come from another room.

"What the—" I said, before Thomas began explaining

"Jorge led us here. The others are in that room, where screams are coming from. Everything is fine. How are you feeling on the other hand?"

I looked down on my throat, and saw a bandage covering the slit.

"Fine, I guess" I answered

"Good that"


Awkward silence.

"Thomas?" I called out

"Yeah, Mel?" He questioned back.

"Are you and Brenda— Do you... Do you like her"

"Well, yeah as a friend"

"Huh... Didn't seem that way when you entered the club"

"Wh- you saw that?"

"Newsflash, the sun killed our planet and theres sunlight everywhere. Even in the night it seems like it. So yeah... I mean I'm not jealous, or mad, I'm happy for you two. Whatever you got going on, just thought I'd ask"

"She kissed me, but I only think of her as a partner. Partner in crime, of course"


"Do you think we should end it?" I asked.

"End what?" He asked back.

"End whatever we had back at the Glade" (see book 1 'our death cage' if you wanna know)

"I think it's best if we should. Focus on survival"

"Survival. Right"

I had forgotten how horrible the world has become. Jesus christ, just thinking about the future makes me cringe.

"Hey, Mel, we're still OK?"

"Of course"

No lies there.

"Good. Because I wanted to tell you something" he said.

I turned to face him after laying on my back this whole time.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Don't tell this to anyone. I mean no one. I don't know why, but you seem like the most trustworthy person here, and your kind of my closest friend" he replied, but still no answer, "I don't really know how to say it, but I get this weird feeling in my stomach whenever I see—"


The door flies open, and Jorge forces us out of the room, leaving Thomas unable to finish his sentence.

Minho walked beside me as we left the building, while Jorge was untying an unconscious man on a chair.

"What happened there?" I asked.

"To be honest princess," spoke Minho "I have no shucking clue. I was napping"

The man on the chair had dirty blonde hair, and blood all over his shirt.

"Yikes" I said.

We walked out of the building, and every time I tried to walk over to Thomas and ask him what he was going to say when I woke up, Teresa or Brenda would beat me to him, instead I stayed by Frypans side.

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