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Okay, for this fanfic I need you guys to answer. Who do you ship more? TRENDA (Thomas + Brenda) or  NEWTMAS (Newt+ Thomas) PLEASE LET ME KNOW! PM me or comment! THANK YOU!

Immediately, I ran to Frypan and Thomas, and the others gathered around the unconscious body of Minho.
I started to panic.
That was a hard hit on the ground, not to mention HE GOT STRUCK BY LIGHTNING!
We laid him down on his back.
"What do we do!?" Asked Thomas, and again everybody looked at me.
It made me feel guilty not knowing how to save my best friend...
"I don't know..." I whispered, trying not to let the pesky tear in my left eye drop down.

Newt began to shake Minho.
"Wake up you slinthead!" He yelled.

I checked to see if he was breathing, or if there was any pulse.

"Is he breathing?" Asked Aris

"Barely" I answered.

"Minho, come on! Wake up shuckface!" Exclaimed Thomas.

Frypan left the little circle to go sit on the small crates laying on the floor on the other side of the building. Aris, and Thomas joined them.

"Mel, why are you so attached to a boy? You told me yourself a couple years ago you wouldn't even dare get with one" said Teresa.

Those words made me so pissed.

Then again, Teresa had no idea what was going on in the glade. Or what the glade even was.

"Try spending 3 years in a maze and being the only female. Minho here... He's my best friend" I replied.

"What maze are you talking about?" Teresa asked.

"Teresa, I'll explain it to you" said Newt, and gestured her to come sit by him next to Frypan.

"Please wake up Minho" I whispered.

I was sitting on my knees, hovering above Minho. I knew he wasn't sleeping, he would've snored.
But he wasn't dead.
He can't be.

"Please" I begged.
Still no answer, or any sign of movement.
I put my head onto his chest, and began searching for a heartbeat.
But there was no sign of that either, perhaps there was, but even if there was it was too weak.
This can't be happening!
Im not ready to lose ANOTHER glader, especially one thats my best friend!

"Minho! Please! You promised me! Wake up!!" I cried, waiting for an answer, and I lifted my head up, as if, what Minho used to say, was kind of difficult asking a dead man what he did wrong.
Dead man. Those words rung in my head.
I began to quietly sob, and my face turned red.
My "cry for help" caught some attention.

"Wake up", I finally whispered, before I completely buried my face into his chest.
It felt so empty, and dull. Not sure how to really explain it.
I cried into is dirty T-shirt, and at the same tome wiped the tears away.

Everything became silent.
From the other gladers that were talking, to the storm, to my best friends body.

Not a single noise came out.

Newt was trying so hard to pull back tears, but eventually turned around and covered his face with both hands.

I was about to break down completely, and start a tantrum, when I heard a heartbeat.
Then, a heavy inhale of air.

I popped off of Minho, and saw him laying with his eyes wide opened.

When he saw us, he immediately got himself together, and sat up.

"Aye, what happened?" He asked, then turned to me, "Why are you crying?"

I didn't know what to reply.

I swung my arms around him, almost making both of us fall to the ground.
Minho was very confused to what was going on.
I gripped my arms around his back, as he slowly put his his hands on my spine.

"You got struck by lightning" Said Newt.

"We thought you died" continued Teresa, who was shedding a few tears as well.

I felt like as if a thousand pounds had just been lifted of my chest, and that I could finally breathe again.

"You scared the living shit out of me, greenie" I sarcastically whispered into his ear.

Minho let out a small giggle.

"Remember what I promised, princess? I'll be here for you no matter what" He said.

I took a deep breath, and emerged from the hug.

Everything felt so calm at the moment.

But that was about to change...

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU PEOPLE?!" We suddenly heard a voice yell.

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