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"We'll figure something out, we always do"
(Check Out 'Our Death Cage' [the first part of this book] and you'll understand ;))

For some reason that line rung in my head when I woke up. I was laying in green sheets, with a ripped pillow, and faced the ceiling of the remains of the med-shack.

I turned to face the wall to sleep a bit more, when I felt pain in my shoulder.

"Oww" I moaned.

"Looks like princess woke up" said a raspy voice.

I thought It was Minho, and that last night was all a dream, but it wasn't, and I have a scar to prove it.
I turned the other way, and saw Brenda laying on the exact same bed as I was.

"Don't call me that" I said

"What? Pretty boy calls you that" she joked.

"What're you in here for anyway?" I asked, rubbing my eyes to make my vision less blurry.

"Got stabbed in the leg" she said, so calmly, I thought she was joking "Was saving Newts' bum, when one of those douche nuggets from W.I.C.K.E.D jabbed a knife in me"

"Thank you for saving Newt, and I'm sorry those 'douche nuggets' did that to you"

"Yeah.... How's your arm?"


"Do you think your boyfriend'll come back?"

"He's not my boyfriend" I said, but before I was able to finish...

"Hah, yeah he is. Practically everyone saw what you two did in the tent before chaos came" said Brenda

"He is my best friend, and i guess my boyfriend. Whatever. Why'd you ask anyway?"

"After you got shot, I looked to find the berg, saw him screaming his lungs out, and pounding on the glass of the air craft, almost breaking it"

I felt this sudden drop in my stomach. I just wanted to know if he was safe...

"Did any of us die?" I asked Brenda "Because I passed out and don't remember anything from last night"

"Everyone's alive. Your friends, my friends. But, Aris' friends on the other hand, are not. And the whole village was basically wiped out." She answered.

"That sucks"

That sucks? Really Mel? I mean of course it did, but couldn't I have said anything else.

"Sucks pretty bad" said Brenda, "you know, you're actually a cool person. You fight for the ones who are important to you, and ditch the ones who betrayed you. I like that"

"Thanks. Hey, do you remember anything about your family? At all?" I asked.

That might be a very touchy subject, but I needed to get my mind off of Minho (which was impossible), and try to focus on the present.

"Parents are dead. Thats when Jorge came and became our guardian. I say our, because I have a brother. Or had... His name is, or was, George" answered Brenda, pulled out an old photograph of her brother, and handed it over to me.

The photograph had burnt edges, and the picture itself was almost ripped in half. Seeing the state of this one, and only photograph she has, I don't want to know what else she's been through.

Then it hit me. The boy on the picture, was about 14-15 years old, I saw him before.

At the Glade...

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