Chapter 3

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I walk into the large garage where Hudson and his men celebrate. The garage looks like it holds most of the trucks for the entire army.

"Hudson, sorry for the interruption but I need to talk to you for a moment." I say

He puts down his drink and walks over to me, "What's up James."

"I just wanted to know what the plan was, and if you needed my assistance at all." I offer

"Well, we just need to hold them out, and there's not much I can ask from you. Just make sure that everyone is on the same page, maybe like an official announcement in the park?" He asks

"Yeah, I can do that. Also, I would like to tell you that Chloe has offered to take up the leadership role again." I say

"Well good, she's a magnificent leader, it suits her well." Hudson says, "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"Nope, I think that's all. Thanks Hudson." I say

"My pleasure, you want a drink?" He offers

"No, thank you though. I'm not much of a drinker." I say

"Eric." I say as I walk into the hangar office, "We luck out with the computer situation, huh."

He pulls away from the computer screen, "Well yeah we do, but this was a government building. No one was allowed in here, especially on the computers. Only a few people have used this before we have."

"Did you have access to computers when the government outlawed them?" I ask, I sit next to him on another computer.

"My dad was a government agent, he would bring a small computer home sometimes, I believe it was called a laptop. Anyways, I would sneak onto it sometimes." He pauses, "Then he was fired, and I never saw him again." He goes back to the computer screen.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked." I look at my screen as I turn on the computer.

"No, it's okay. What about you, did you have any access?" He asks

"No, but my dad was a government agent too. I never saw one. He was eventually brainwashed, and that's when we left. Anyways, he was killed, at least that's what we all thought. Apparently he's living at home still, and we're supposedly sending people to recover him, I'm not so sure about that though." I explain

"Well," Eric looks back up at me, "Why don't we do it. No one is stopping us, especially Marcus. I'm sure Chloe is okay with it."

I look at him, "Okay." I say hesitantly, "But I need to focus on getting the word out for tonight's announcement."

"What announcement?" Eric asks

"Well Hudson thought that it'd be a good idea to address what is going on, and convince them that we're right. I just need a way to get the word out, since it's so last second." I explain

"I have an idea." Eric says, he grabs the mouse. He finds a folder titled "Charter Information" in the folder is some sort of application that controls the broadcasts.

"What do you want it to display in the main square." Eric asks

"Public address, 7 p.m. maybe?" I ask

"That should work." He types it all in and enters it. "It should be broadcasting out there right now."

"Great, thanks." I say

"Are you going to write a script? Or are you going to wing it?" He asks

"Wing it?" I ask

"Oh, it was an old term. It means your basically going up unprepared, but you're up to the challenge." Eric describes

Phoenix (Part 2 of the 2 Part Malevolent Series)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora