Chapter 24

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I wait at the base of the stairs, over my large suit jacket rests my worn jacket, my breath condenses to a fog, it's really cold outside. Noah walks up to me, all ready to go.

I feel something press against my rib, it's inside my jacket. I reach in and find that it's a sniper bullet.

I hand it to Noah, "Here, use this. I always had it inside my jacket just in case something happened. It needs to be used, if you're okay with that."

He takes the bullet, "I'll use it."

I smile and grasp his shoulder.

The drums tap, as I take the large podium, the one microphone is the only other object on the podium. I climb the stairs, and see the thousands watching in the stands. It only took Hudson and his friends a week and a half to do all of this. The tall Washington Monument towers behind me. I finish the climb, my heart pounds as I approach the mic. At least a half a mile of stands line the sides, and one walkway. I look down and see Aleman tied up against the post, he doesn't attempt to break free, he accepted his fate.

I stand behind the microphone, the text in front of me slowly begins to roll.

"Good evening to the people of the United States of America, thank you for attending. Those who are watching on public television, thank you for viewing. Today, we have gathered to witness the ending of one era and the beginning of a new one. The era we are leaving behind took thousands with it, left millions in fear, and put Americans in jeopardy. It is my hope, as well as my cabinet, that this new era will bring the power back to the individual. We hope that America can return to a prosperous nation, one that accepts any individual from any walk of life, one that can provide for its people, and one that can defend itself. The original intent of America was to give power to the individual, so that a government could be formed by the people, for the people. It is quite evident that that ideal was robbed from us during the tyrannical reign of President Aleman. As this ceremony occurs, I would that everyone would treat it with respect, as well as President Aleman. I would ask that there would be no booing or disruption from the audience. If you feel inclined to watch the death, feel free. If you want to turn your head, feel free to do so. Noah, please begin the ceremony." I take a step back from the microphone.

I watch Noah in the distance slowly walk closer to Aleman. The drums begin their solemn beat. As Noah walks down the aisle, the soldiers lined against the seats get out and follow Noah as he walks down. By the time he makes it to his spot, there's hundreds of soldiers and civilians behind Noah. He looks up to me, I nod my head and let him continue. He grabs his sniper, and loads a round inside. He slowly brings the sight to his eye, he shuts his right eye, and steadies himself.

It feels as if years pass by, and I finally here the shot, I turn my head away. I turn back and see Noah standing there with a straight face, two men come out and grab the lifeless body of Aleman and carry it away. Noah turns back and the crowd disperses. As the body is taken, soldiers line the walkway and give Aleman the final salute. The body is carried away, and the large audience stays silent.

"Thank you for attending." I say, I walk away from the microphone and make my way down the stairs.

I'm greeted by Noah, he holds his straight face.

"The salute wasn't in the plan, James." He says

"It needed to be done, we have to move and and respect him." I say

"Respect him for what? Why does he deserve my respect?" Noah presses

I automatically think of a history book I just completed on World War 2, "When Japan surrendered to America in World War Two, we still showed respect to the Japanese. They did horrible things to others, and yet we still respected them. It's better to end an era with some sort of dignity rather than none."

"Okay, you're right." He says

"Well thank you for that. And thank you for participating in the ceremony. I don't think that anyone could have done it better than you, honestly." I say

"Of course." He says

"Well, now what." I say

Noah looks to the setting sun, "Now, now we progress."

I sit and stare into my coffee in the corner café. It's decently crowded for being so late, I twirl the spoon around the drink. I can hear people all around me talking about me, but I just put it away.

"Hey James." I feel someone's hand drag against my back, I see Lucinda enter my sight, she sits down across from me.

"Oh, hey Lucinda." I say, I get out of my slump.

"How are you doing?" She asks

"I'm well, how are you?" I ask

"I'm okay, I suppose you've found a new source of stress?" She asks

"Yeah." I chuckle, "It'a definitely a lot when all of America has their eyes on you, matter of fact, the whole world."

"That's for sure, but at least, I suppose, we're getting things done." She says

"Yeah, that's good I suppose." I say

"You don't have to answer this if you're not comfortable, but has Chloe's funeral been planned?" She asks

"I've given it a little thought, but I think it's the military who conducts the service." I say

"Mr. President." I hear someone behind me, I turn it around and see one of the secret service agents, he hands me some sort of paper, and hands one to Lucinda.

"Thank you." I say, I open it up, and it's a formal invitation to Chloe's funeral, tomorrow.

"Well, it's tomorrow." She says

"Yeah, a little last-minute in my opinion." I say

"Well, I best be going now. Have to get a little sleep, have a good night." She says

"Thank you Lucinda." I say, she smiles as she gets up and walks of the café.

I hear someone screaming, I turn around and see someone charging right toward me. My secret service agents can't react in time, I see some sort of blade in his hand. He gets feet away from me, as he goes for a swing, I grab his arm that holds the knife and twist it. He lets go of the knife, and I let go. I force his hands behind his back, and hand him off to the agents.

I push my chair away from me, and walk outside of the café, where seemingly endless cameras greet my face. The agents make a shield around me as I enter the car. One slams the door shut, and I can barely make out any people outside.

"Sorry about that, sir." One says

"Don't worry about it." I say

Phoenix (Part 2 of the 2 Part Malevolent Series)Where stories live. Discover now