Chapter 19

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I sit down on an open chair, I basically flail back, and just relax.

"You good James?" Wyatt asks

It takes a second to register what he's saying, "Just tired. A lot of fighting, wears down on you, y-know."

"Yeah, I hear you." He says, the train turns dead silent. I rest my head, and look at the ceiling of the train.

"My question is how much longer, how much longer until we're done." Noah says

"That's a question for another time, Noah." I mumble

"Well, I can say that I'm just getting tired of it all." He says

"Don't you think we all are." I mumble again, this time I lift my head, and look directly at Noah. "We've been through the entire thing, I get it. But now is not the time to call quits."


"Noah, shut up, we have a task, and we're going to follow through. If you don't like it, I can have Xavier stop this train, and you can leave." Chloe threatens

Chloe shuts us all up once again. I rest my head once more, and this time, I close my eyes.

"James, James." I hear a girls voice, and her hands shaking me awake.

I roll over, and open my eyes to see Kat at my bedside. It takes a second to really understand what's going on.

"Kat?" I say, in a tone of disbelief.

"What?" She looks back at me with a look of concern.

"I, I thought, I thought you died." I pause for a second, "At my hands."

"What are you talking about? I didn't die, you must've had an awful dream or something. C'mon, get up, we have our daily walk to do." She pulls the sheets out, and smiles as she walks away.

I get up, and see a giant window. I step onto the soft carpet, I walk over to the window, and see the scenery of home, charter 14. I look around the house, it looks rather large. I see the bed, it looks like it can fit at least two people. I shake it off, and go find my closet.

I walk into the closet, and thrown on some clothes I see. I walk down the large stairs, and see Kat tying her shoes.

"You ready?" She asks

"Suppose so." I say

She hands me my shoes, "You seem off, are you okay?"

I grab the shoes, "I'm okay, it's just confusing, all of it."

"All of what?"

"Never mind, let's go." I slip my shoes on, and follow Kat outside. I walk outside to see a whole track of houses.

"This doesn't look like Charter 14." I quietly say

Apparently, Kat caught what I heard, "Course it is. They renamed it years ago back to Fresno." She looks at me, confused.

After about 5 minutes of walking, I see the usual scenery of home.

"Where's Chloe?" I ask, supposing she'd know who I'm talking about.

"Chloe? Chloe Evergreen?" She asks

"Yeah, her." I say

"She, she died years ago in the battle at the capitol. James, are you okay?" She asks

"Yeah, I'm okay." I feel Kat grasp my hand, and soon enough she's holding my hand entirely.

The bed, the house, home, Kat. Kat's, Kat's married to me.

Phoenix (Part 2 of the 2 Part Malevolent Series)Where stories live. Discover now