Chapter 7

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The flight was easy, we somehow dodged the government jets. They were probably just miles from us. But now we're separated from the charter by a river and a wall. The charter's big buildings begin to light up as the sun sets.

"How long are we here for." Someone asks

"As long as it takes from everyone to join us, may just be in a minute, or even a day." I say

"And he didn't send us with supplies?" She asks

"If you flip your bottom seat in the jet up, there's ammo and food. Only enough for two days though." I tell her

"Should we build a fire?" Kat asks

"That'd attract attention, so no. I think if we slept in the jets, it'd keep us mildly warm, as opposed to bring exposed out here." I say

"Makes sense." She says

We all sit in a circle and just talk about who we are, where we're from, why we're here for a few hours, real talk. It's nice.

"Well, we should rest up. Who knows what tomorrow has in store." I suggest

Everyone gets up, stretches, and climbs into their jets. I'm the last one in, I lock the capsule, and set the tint mode to smoke-black, the darkest setting. I recline the seat as far as it'll go back, which isn't much. I try to relax, but I can't. So instead I just lay there in complete silence. I eventually start to doze.

I hear a loud explosion in the distance, I fly up and see a pillar of smoke close by. I look through the window, but I can't see much, no lights or anything. I slide on my helmet, "Anyone on?"

"Yeah, what was that?" One guy asks

"I don't know, grab your gun, and meet me outside guys." I say, I hop out of the jet, everyone waits for further instructions.

"We don't know who this is, so get back in the jet, and get ready to fly at a moments notice. We have to treat this as a credible threat." I say, everyone nods and climbs back into the jet. As I climb in, a rocket nearly hits us, I'm thrown back. I quickly climb in and put on my helmet. I fire on my engine.

"Let's push these guys out." I say, I put the thrusters on max, and quickly leave the ground. We're quickly at the same altitude as them, but we don't know where they are.

"Play it safe guys, play defense." I say, an alarm comes on as a rocket begins to follow me. I dodge it, as I come out of the turn, I almost collide with the enemy jet, I take a quick look at the pilot, it looks a lot like Tristan. It finally clicks, they're here.

"Guys stand down! They're us!" I scream

"Why on earth would they try to shoot?" Someone asks

"I don't know, let's land." I say

We quickly land where we took off, and get out of the jets. We're greeted by Hudson and his men, "Hands up!"

I walk closer to him, "It's just us Hudson." I say

He looks shocked, "Call off the attacks, it's just push team." He says to the radio.

"What are you guys doing out here?" He asks

"We were told to group out here." I say

"Oh, well I guess get in the jets again. It's time to raid the peacekeepers buildings again." He says

"What should the jets do? We can't just blow up the building." I ask

"Good point, James, you personally can come with us. Everyone else, I need air cover, if you guys could provide that, that'd be great." Hudson says

Phoenix (Part 2 of the 2 Part Malevolent Series)Where stories live. Discover now