Chapter 8

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I don't have any meetings until later today, so I walk around the charter. It's mid fall, leaves scatter the cement. There aren't many people out, I'm walking sort of early, 7:30 a.m. some people start to get up to get to work.

How are people working in the first place?

I walk below the towering buildings above me, I've never really seen buildings these size up close, except for that dream I had of home. Buses drive by with people inside of them, I'm really confused on how people are working still. I look at the building signs, Rooftop Heights, one of the buildings is labeled.

Chloe lives there, I should go ask her.

I walk into the building, the attendant knows exactly who I am, "Good morning, Mr. Delgado." I look at her and smile.

What's her room number.

"Could you tell me Chloe Evergeen's room number?" I ask her

She looks at her list on a sheet of paper, "It's room thirty, two floors up." She says

"Thanks." I walk to this metal door, I press the only button on there.

"That's an elevator if you didn't know." The attendant says

The door opens, I step in and see a whole row of numbered buttons, I assume 2 means the second floor, so I press it. I look at the attendant, and smile. The door closes in front of me, and I feel myself go up. I keep traveling up until it stops, the door opens, and I'm greeted by a hallway going left and right.

11-20, left
21-30, right

I follow the signs until I see a door with the number 30 on it. I quietly knock on the door, it takes a second, but Chloe opens it, she looks like she just got up 10 minutes ago.

"James? Come in." She opens the door, I follow her in.

"Why are you up so early?" She asks

"I wanted to explore the charter a little bit before it got crowded. And I had a question, how are people still working?" I ask

"Food production, weapons manufacturing, steel manufacturing, they still have employers, they're just under our watch." She says

"So are they making money?" I ask

"Yes, they are." She says

I look around her large room, "Nice room you have."

"Thanks, where are you staying?" She asks

"A small apartment complex father down the road, Highside Apartments, I believe." I say

"That place is a dump." She says

"No, not really." I say

"Well, I'll try to get you a room here, how do you get to and from?" She asks

"Something called a long board, four wheels, and a long piece of wood, it goes fast." I say

"Where'd you find it?" She asks

"I bought it." I say

"Oh, that's cool." She says

"Well, sorry I dropped by with no caution." I say

"No, no it's okay, I needed to get up anyway, gotta get my run in." She says

"Well, I guess I'll see you tonight then." I awkwardly say as I near the door.

Phoenix (Part 2 of the 2 Part Malevolent Series)Where stories live. Discover now