Chapter 11

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"So I do think that we need to get moving soon." Chloe says, I sit around the large roundtable with others for a team meeting.

"When do you plan on moving?" Tristan asks

"The end of the week? That gives us three days to collect everything and get going. I contacted the resistance in St. Louis, they're ready at any time." Chloe explains

I haven't said anything this entire meeting, but I decide to input an idea, "What if we just go straight to the capital?"

Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy, "Well, I think we have enough people to carry it out, we need to show who we are."

"Okay but we're supposed to be securing large charters in the event that we need to retreat." Hudson says

"Good point, but I think we need to do something a little risky, that's the only way we can succeed." I say

"Well we're going to have to create a whole new plan by the end of the week." Chloe says

"I'm willing to stay overtime to get this plan going." I say

"I'm with James on this one, I'll stay." Eric says

"Yeah, I will too." I hear Hudson say.

A few more people agree to stay, "Alright, well then I think that we'll carry out that plan." Chloe says, "If that's all, those who didn't say they'll stay, can leave, otherwise stick around."

The majority of the group gets up and walks out. Chloe, Noah, Lucinda, Hudson, Eric, and I remain.

"James, you head this, this is your idea." Chloe says, she gets out of her chair, and lets me sit down.

"Do we have any images of the capital?" I ask

"I believe they have aerial photographs, let me check really quick." Lucinda says

"Okay, well while she does that, I want to explain my reasoning." I say, "I think it's a good idea because it's a total surprise attack, the government won't expect it at all."

I look at the screen behind me and see a photograph of the capital taken from above, "Thank you Lucinda."

"Anyways, I also think we need to focus on ground movement, rather than taking them on in the sky, for civilian protection. We have to be very cautious because of the civilian population." I turn around and look at the image, the whole capital fits the screen. I see the compass, "We're coming in on the west, there looks to be factories, and some apartments as we get closer."Lucinda zooms in to the center of the charter, "Alright, looks like there's a lot of housing, but then it's just a huge field that leads to the capitol."

"I think, if you don't mind, that we should do a pinch maneuver. We have troops coming in the west gates and more coming from the east gates, that way we pinch them in the capitol, we definitely have enough troops." Huson adds

"And I have a question, how do you plan on moving us all over there?" Chloe asks

"Well, first Hudson that is an excellent plan. Eric, have we found any more helicopters beside the two we have?" I ask

"Yeah, actually, there was a small hangar on the opposite side of the charter, there were probably another eight operating helicopters, they can probably fit fifteen maybe twenty a piece." Eric says

"Sounds good, we'll use the helicopters. Noah and Hudson, I'm gonna need you guys to round up your best one hundred and ninety six troops, count Chloe, you two, and me in." I say

"Will do." Hudson says

"Well, I think that's all the planning we need, we'll fly in on the east and west entrances, push our way to the capitol, and take down Aleman." I say

Phoenix (Part 2 of the 2 Part Malevolent Series)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن