Chapter 15

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Chloe shakes me out of my sleep, the rising sun dimly lights the room. I get up and grab my gun, I throw my backpack on. I find my small ear piece, and push it into my ear. I finally lay my helmet on top of my head.

I look down to my watch, 5:45.

It takes a couple of minutes for everyone to wake up, and soon enough we're ready to go. I open the cold door handle, and walk out. The street is still dead silent. I see my breath condense into a fog-like substance. It's cold outside.

"Hudson, you ready?" Chloe asks over the radio.

We don't hear a response for a second, "Let's roll."

We all quietly walk down the abandoned street. The only alive building is the building we're about to take down. As we approach the building, I can see Hudson and his group waiting around the corner. We make it to the entrance, no one is at the front desk.

Hudson and his group comes over to Chloe.

"We rush in, no one seems to be in the reception desk. This building is a single story, so there's probably a basement. We take over a room at a time, we should have enough flash grenades. Stay out of the basement until the top floor is cleared. My orders." Chloe says

"Let's go." Chloe says as she opens the door, this will be a real test for that little machine that rests on top of my helmet.

The room divides into two separate hallways, I take the left one with Chloe. We make it to the first door, Chloe slowly opens it, seven of us rush in. The room is completely empty.

"That's weird." Chloe says

We run back out, and try the next door, the same case, no one in the room. We make it through the entire hall, and seven doors later, not one person in sight.

"Hudson, what do you have on your side?" Chloe asks over the radio.

"Not one peacekeeper found, you guys?"

"Same, I think we need to try the basement, they're probably in there." Chloe says

"See you down there." Hudson says

We make it to the door of the basement, Chloe slowly turns the knob. We rush down the hallway, the lights are on, but no one is down here.

"Scan the area, make sure no one is here." Chloe orders

I turn on my flashlight on the side of my rifle. I slowly scan the dark room along with a few others, we look in every crevasse and every corner. Every file cabinet and desk is checked, not one person in sight.

"Appears to be no one here Chloe." I say

"But there is a ton of ammunition." Hudson says, opening a small door. We all squeeze inside, it seems to be a reserve of money, though there isn't much left.

Hudson picks up one of the bullets, he examines the bullet, looking at every detail.

"These are the rounds that we use." Hudson confirms

He begins handing us boxes of ammunition, I manage to grab two. I throw them in my backpack. There isn't much else in the small safe, so we all get out.

"I'm guessing they moved all the peacekeepers out as well, to protect the rest of the capital." Hudson says

"So what's the next move?" Noah asks

"Let's keep pushing to the barriers." Chloe says

I lead everyone out into the now brighter outside. I look to our left and right, absolutely nothing, as expected. The peacekeeper building is oddly situated in the middle of a round about. Behind the front doors is the road that would lead us directly to the barrier.

Phoenix (Part 2 of the 2 Part Malevolent Series)Where stories live. Discover now