Chapter 5

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"What's the deal." Chloe says as we walk into what seems like a standoff.

"Ma'am, Lynn's guards tried to get him out of the town hall early this morning, we pushed them back in, and now we have our guns pointed to them, we don't know what's going on in there however." Hudson's assistant says

"Keep them stationed here for the time being, if you haven't already, organize a team to search the surrounding area around the charter." Chloe orders

"Yes ma'am." He says

Chloe grabs her radio, "Eric, you on?"

It takes a second for him to respond, "Yes, what's wrong?"

"Can I have you organize a couple of jets search the area around the charter." She asks

"Yeah, no problem. Can James come over."

She looks at me, "I need him actually, sorry."

"That's okay."

"If you see them, shoot them. They're armed and dangerous, we can't risk letting them get away." Chloe says

"Will do."

She puts her radio down, "Well, that's all organized."

"Now what?" I ask

"I guess grab a gun and join them." She says

We walk over to the trucks, and grab the necessary equipment. Guns, magazines, all of it. We dress as if we were going to war, who knows what we're getting ourselves in.

"Where can we be used." Chloe asks

"Depends, do you wanna keep looking pretty, or possibly die." Hudson says

She playfully shoves him, "You know where I want."

"Then why ask?" He laughs

We break through the first group of men, and get up to the line of fire. We sit down, like everyone else. We join all the chatter.

"What is pretty boy doing here?" Someone says, directed at me.

I look at him, "What do you mean by that?" I ask

"You know, you don't like getting dirty. You just go up and say a few words and get a public following." He says

"Oh is that the reason why I'm down here right now? Or how about yesterday, when I flew with an elite group trying to recover someone. Or how about the time when we led battles and won? Me and a few other people busted everyone out of a jail that was considered 'inescapable.'" I say

"I'd shut up if I were you, Corey." Someone says, everyone laughs. He looks really embarrassed, but hey, he deserved it.

"We have movement on the west side of the building!" Hudson yells, we all scramble to grab our guns, we ready ourselves for anything.

I run behind a planter, Chloe follows me. "It's kinda dumb that they don't have blockades set up."

I watch as the front line does as I did, and find somewhere to find cover.

Out of nowhere, gunfire erupts from the town hall, the glass shatters. I watch as peacekeepers pour out, I start shooting at them.

"It's a distraction! Keep moving!" Hudson yells

I listen and get up, and begin to walk forward as the peacekeepers begin losing too many. Some of our men continue forward, screaming "Get on the ground!" They drop their guns, and that's when I charge the town hall, as everyone else does.

Phoenix (Part 2 of the 2 Part Malevolent Series)Where stories live. Discover now