Chapter 14

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"Get up people, we got places to go." Chloe abruptly wakes us up from our sleep.

I get up and grab my backpack and rifle. Lucinda comes walking down the stairs, "No one in sight, the others must have stayed somewhere else."

Noah and I pull the large doors apart exposing us to outside, a cold breeze flows through the opening. Lucinda stops us before we walk outside.

"Don't you remember what they said? All of the hidden traps?" She pulls out the digital map, "All of these little dots are the known traps, some activate by heat signal, other by tripwire, or pressure sensitivity. They're everywhere, so we need to be extra careful." Lucinda says

Lucinda walks out first, we follow her down the empty road. The leaves crunch beneath our feet, it's barren out here at night.

We make it to a crossroad again, Lucinda zooms the map out. The straight road looks to east, the street turning right looks to go to the capitol. She zooms closer in, there are a lot of traps on the road turning right.

"Well do we take the risk?" Lucinda asks

"The street narrows into housing again, it's too dangerous to civilian lives. We're here to take down the government, not the citizens." Chloe says

"Straight it is then."

We cross the street, it's the same industrial buildings. Out of the dead silence of night, gunshots break the silence. We automatically split and hide behind anything we can find.

"Must be something going on farther down the road." Chloe says

We stand in silence for a second, the radio cracks, the voice is inaudible.

"Too... Start... Get... Creatures... Dangerous..."

I look to Chloe, she looks back.

"What is that?" Ivan says

I poke my head out, a small crowd of some sort of people slowly approach us.

Creatures, dangerous.

"Guys. Those aren't friendlies!" I yell as I start shooting the creatures, they begin picking up speed.

"Take 'em down!" Noah yells, but our efforts only put a dent into the crowd of monsters.

"Pull back! Pull back!" Chloe commands

"What are they?"

"They're not armed!"

"Yeah but they're sure getting to us fast!" I say

We walk backward, still shooting them down.

"They must be some sort of creature made by the government." Lucinda says

They begin sprinting towards us, I turn back and run as fast as I can.

"James stop!" Lucinda yells, I stop.

"You don't know if there are traps down the street!" Chloe chastises

Lucinda quickly opens the map up, the street ahead is laden with traps, we're trapped.

I run to the closest building and try to open it up, but the door won't budge.

"Stand you're ground!" Chloe orders

"Chloe are you crazy? We're doomed if we don't get going!" I say

"Follow my orders James!" Chloe demands, that's probably the first time I've seen her mad.

I decide to follow her orders, I hide behind a worn road barrier, I pop up and shoot down as many monsters as possible.

One monster breaks our defense and grabs hold of Ivan, Ivan begins to scream. I pull out my pistol and track the monster around.

Phoenix (Part 2 of the 2 Part Malevolent Series)Where stories live. Discover now