Chapter 21

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A few hundred soldiers line against the entrance of the capitol, one tank on each side of the building threaten the peace.

"President Aleman, release every and all citizens onto the lawn, let them out." Hudson says over the loudspeaker.

Aleman took any remaining citizens and forced them into the capitol, there has to be at least a hundred civilians in there, but there is no response.

"We will have to be forced to send troops in there to evacuate the civilians if you do not follow our orders." Hudson says

Still, no response.

Hudson organizes a group of ten people, including me to get in and evacuate everyone. I arm myself with my rifle and walk up to the gates. Two soldiers manage to open the gates, and the ten of us then walk up the grassy walkway to our final destination, the capitol. I look behind me and see hundreds of people who craved to see this day, who've waited for someone to represent their voice.

We make it to the large, white, front doors of the capitol. Lucinda places a charge on the handle, we all move away, the charge explodes, and the door is no longer there. We all quickly move in, rifles ready. But there is no one in the front room.

We slowly creep around the bottom floor in all its elegance. Aleman did one thing right, that was keeping this place up.

We make it to the grand staircase leading upstairs when we hear someone screams and pounds the door, we all stand there frozen.

"You guys hear that?" Hudson asks

We continue up the stairs, until we're greeted by a lavish upstairs walkway, lined with too many doors to count. It turns dead silent once again, the white walls make the place feel larger than it already is.

"Let's sweep the doors, someone has to be here." Hudson says

We go through the first side of the hall finding no one, just large empty rooms. We begin our sweep of the other side.

Hudson tries to open the door, but the handle refuses to turn.

"Someone's in here." He says, he grabs his pistol and shoots out the door handle, he pushes the door out, and there's a group of at least 20 civilians sitting there, frightened.

"It's okay, it's okay. We're here to help." Hudson says, "I'll take this group, you guys keep checking out the rooms. Just lead them outside, there are people out there waiting to help."

We eventually evacuate at least 200 others, forced there against their will. The numbers of soldiers in here also reduced to just Noah and me.

"Well, I think that's every room." I say

Noah grabs me, and looks at me with a frightened stare, "Aleman."

"Crap, well what other rooms are there?" I ask

"There was a whole 'nother staircase." He says

"Well, let's check it out."

We run down the large staircase right onto another one, an almost complete replica of the other, this time it's a large open room, with one large set of doors at the end.

"That's probably it." Noah says

"Let's drop the rifles, handguns only." I say

"Good idea." Noah says, staring intensely at that door.

I drop my heavy rifle, and arm myself with my small handun. We slowly walk up to the door, I grab the knob, and slowly twist it.

"Freeze!" I hear behind me, I instinctively turn around and take down the two peacekeepers.

Phoenix (Part 2 of the 2 Part Malevolent Series)Where stories live. Discover now