Chapter 25

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We all enter the church building, I sit in a pew with Trinity and Noah. The small building is filled with those who new Chloe fairly well, it wasn't a public affair. I see the sea of black in the stands, it remains silent as the casket of Chloe is carried out by relatives of Chloe. Noah and Trinity, usual talkers, stay quiet as the rest of the people take seats.

The presumably bishop stands at the podium, "Thank you all for your attendance today in memory of Chloe. I will have the opportunity to speak, then the podium is free for anyone who wants to speak about Chloe and her life. Following that, we will have closing remarks by President James Delgado, then Chloe's casket will be rolled and driven off to the National Cemetery."

"It is my pleasure to speak about someone who was a born leader, someone who was..."

I begin to drift off and look at all the architecture of the building. I look at all the solemn faces of those who are mourning. It's hard to not cry, but I have to hold it back, at least now.

"It is a blessing to know the Chloe will have a place in heaven among the elite..."

The bishop begins to venture into religion, which I've never been so into. My parents never brought me to church, and I never really got into it. But I respect his views and those who believe in a higher authority. I see the large cross with Christ on it above the bishop.

The bishop opens the floor to those who want to speak, for about 50 minutes it's straight crying and all about how great Chloe was. I let a few tears shed, but not a lot.

The bishop stands at the podium, "That will conclude the open floor, if President Delgado would take the podium, he will conclude our service today."

I get out of my seat and slowly walk up to the podium in the front of the chapel. I set my papers down, "It isn't very often that you have to say goodbye to a best friend, someone that truly has impacted your life. However, today isn't one of those days. Thank you, Bishop Starks, for allowing me to speak about Chloe."

I reposition myself and begin, "What did Chloe mean to me? Well, first, she was the one who introduced me to the rebellion at first. I befriended her, and she treated me with respect, and I did too. Chloe was an example of a complete person. She was kind-hearted, selfless, caring, but at the same time a great leader. Chloe led by what she believed and knew to be true, that's why I think the end result was phenomenal. She put others before herself, she loved, and she cared. I remember how she took me in before we really knew each other, and entrusted me with the rebellion at the beginning. She was at my side, and stood by me at all times, even if those times were rough. She was at every battle, right there with everyone else."

I feel tears begin to stream down my face, "It's truly a shame she had to leave this earth now, but she is watching from above. I know that she is proud of all of us. Her compassion, humor, and love will be missed, but let the legacy of Chloe live on forever."

I take a tissue, and collect my papers. I walk back down the podium and sit down next to Trinity. She pats my back, and lays her head on my shoulder.

"Thank you, James." The bishop says, "Chloe's final exit will commence now." He says, everyone gets up and exits the building. I follow everyone and see the long line of soldiers awaiting Chloe's casket.

"Mr. President, you will be at the end of the row." One soldier informs me.

"Thank you." I say, I slowly walk down the hallway. The small crowd fills in behind me, by the car that will take Chloe away. I stand in the middle of the hallway, Chloe's casket hasn't been rolled through yet. All the soldiers faces are straight, and solemn. The doors open, the soldiers put their hands to their eyebrow and salute Chloe's casket.

I begin to salute Chloe as her casket is slowly rolled down the hallway. Her casket is rolled closer to me, tears begin to stream down my face again.

"Mr. President, go ahead and take a hold of a bar, we're going to lift the casket into the car." The bishop says. I break my salute and grab the bar below my waist, I automatically take on the heavy weight. We slowly walk over to the car, where the casket is slowly rolled into the car. The doors are slowly closed.

"Thank you, Chloe's burial service will be in one weeks time from today, I hope you can all make it to the National Cemetery that day." The bishop says, and smiles.

I wipe my tears away, and walk back into the chapel with everyone else.

"Are you ready to go, Mr. President." One of my agents asks.

I turn around and see everyone converse with each other, "Sure, let's go."

I climb the large hill behind the capitol, the gusting wind blows the dead leaves around. The streaking clouds reflect the sunset, making the whole sky glow orange. I climb to the top of the hill, one of only a few in the whole capital. I see cars and bustling traffic all around me, I even see a plane above me.

"We've sure come a long way." I hear Trinity's voice behind me, climbing the hill. I turn around in shock.

"Sorry if I scared you." She says, "Sure is beautiful from up here."

"How'd you find me?" I ask

"Just so happens that you were up here too. I come up here ever so often." She says

"Oh, okay." I say, I lean up against the tree, and watch the setting sun in front of me.

"You alright?" She asks

"Just a lot on my mind, that plus Chloe's funeral. It's been a rough ride so far." I say

"That's why Chloe picked you." Trinity sits on the ground to the left of me and stares off into the sun, "Because she knew that you could take the heat. It's something about you, James."

"What do you mean?" I ask

"I don't know, but I've been your friend for a while now, it's just something. Michael said the same thing, it's just something about you. Some sort of quality that makes you stand out." She says

"Well, thank you." I say

"Sure is a beautiful sunset." She says

"It really is."

The wind gusts, the streaking clouds float along, the leaves rustle and move along, the tree is pushed around. My hair is thrown around in the wind.

"James." Trinity asks


"What's next?"

And that's all she wrote! Thank you guys for an amazing two years, my writing style has increased from the story. This has been one of the most amazing things I could've done. I hope you guys enjoy, an epilogue will be coming soon, and I'm goin to start working on another project here soon. Until then, peace ✌🏼

Phoenix (Part 2 of the 2 Part Malevolent Series)Where stories live. Discover now