Chapter 2: Traveling

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Meghan's POV

After we finished breakfast, we got our bags and loaded them in the car.

"Your parents are awesome for bringing us to the airport!" David says.

"Oh well, at least your parents gave permission to stay a night at my place and go to the US for a while." I smile.

"Yeah, I was really scared when I had to ask them for permission."

"I can imagine, you're a young adventurer!"

We laughed and messed around for a bit, while waiting for my parents to come down to the garage. Although it was only a few minutes, it felt like ages. We climb into the backseats of the car and get comfortable.

"So, are you guys excited?" My dad asks.

"Yeah, we sure are!" I say. "We've been planning this for ages, why wouldn't we be?"

David smiled at me, he probably had the same answer ready. How funny is that, being best friends and having some sort of telepathy? I turn on Spotify and connect my phone to the car, so the music could play through those beautiful sounding speakers.

On the way to the airport David and I almost didn't have a conversation. Sometimes when my parents asked a question, we respond. Although most of the time we were just singing along with songs being played.

My parents drop us at the departure part of the airport. I kiss them goodbye and walk alongside David inside the airport.

"Now we're on our own." I say. David nods his head.

"Yeah, but at least we're with the two of us. Now, should we go and check in?"

"Good idea, I hate carrying my luggage around everywhere I go."

"You have the tickets right?"

"Mhm, let's go stand over there, so I can get it out of my bag."

We walk to some chairs and I grab the tickets out of my bag.

"Ah, we're just at the right place, we have to check in just over there!" I point to the desk.

We continue to walk, this time to the place where we have to check in. Checking in wasn't as hard as we thought it would be, the woman behind the desk was really nice. After we checked in, we decide to walk to the gate. Luckily the security check went flawless.

"Are you scared to go by plane?" I ask, knowing David hadn't travelled by plane for quite a long time.

"Well, not really. I've stopped watching Air Crash Investigation so I'll be fine."

"Good! If you feel sick, don't worry. I have experience with people that sit next to me and feel sick."

"Well, guess that there's nothing to be scared of anymore."


We search for a place to sit down at the gate, as we have to wait for the plane for another two hours.

"Did we come too early?" David asks.

"Oh well, better than late, right?" I say. "Eat a bit and then rest, it'll help against plane sickness."

"Yeah right, I saw that in a YouTube video as well!"

"YouTube addict."

We laugh and continue having pointless conversations.

After half an hour of talking, we decide to go and find something to eat.

"Hey, David, isn't that.." I ask carefully.

"Yeah, I think that's.."

We look at each other and say at the same time "Lia!"

Apparently we said that a bit too loud, because she's looking our way.

"Hey guys! What are you doing here?" Lia says while walking towards us.

"The question is actually, what are you doing here Lia?" I immediately say.

"Well.. I'm going to travel to Brazil."

"What?! Brazil?"

"Mhm, so, where are you guys heading?"

"We're on our way to Vidcon." David says.

"Yeah, we've told you that right? Why haven't you told us about your adventure?" I add.

Lia looks down at the floor and says "You would've probably killed me if you knew."

"Why would we? It's awesome!" David states.

"Yeah, exactly!" I say cheerfully.

"Well, you don't want to know who my travel buddy is.." Lia says.

"Oh god, you better tell me right now.." I say.

"He's just over there." Lia points to a guy sitting in the sandwich place where we spotted her.

David and I gasp and say at the same time. "No... But that... That is..."

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