Chapter 25: Ending

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Meghan's POV

We arrive at the secret spot, the view is insanely beautiful. I'm happy to share it with all of my friends. I lay down on the ground and they follow. We look up to the stars.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I say.

"It's amazing." Bee says smiling, Mitchell reaches for her hand and I can see their hands intertwine.

"As time passes, I begin to like your surprises hey." Huahwi smiles at me.

"Oh well, who doesn't?" I smile back.

"There are lots of stars." Ravi states.

"There sure are." Sean says, followed by a silence, due to everyone looking at the stars completely amazed.

I suddenly think of David, London and most importantly Nick. I can't help it and tears form again.

"I'm taking a walk." I say, standing up and walking away. When I'm out of sight, I sit down on a big rock.

I stare in the distance, I see the city that lies ahead. Eveything around it is dark, probably a forest or something. All that matters is that it's breathtaking.

"Hey." I hear, what sounds like, Ravi coming up to me. "Can I join?"

"Sure, come sit here." I say and make place for Ravi to sit.

"What made you come here? Away from us?" He asks carefully.

"It's nothing. Just some thoughts." I sigh, I can't lie. "London was brave enough to die for David, why ain't I?"

"It's simple, you promised Ryan something. London and David didn't get to talk properly."

"Do you think so?"

"Yup and because I promised Nick something too, I'll take care of you. No suicide for you."

"Hm, thanks." I smile.

"Hi, sorry, I heard everything." Sean comes to join us. I make place for him and he sits to my right hand side.

"It's okay." I say.

"No matter how hard it'll get, you have to get through it. We'll get through it together."

"I agree." Ravi says. "Remeber, together is the keyword."

"It is. We'll be here for you."

"And I'll be here for you." I add smiling.

"Come on, let's just enjoy the view and the beautiful shining stars." Sean says, wanting to walk back.

"Wait." I say before he could stand up. "I want to stay here."

"Then we will." He says, Ravi nods.

I smile and lay my head on Sean's shoulder. For some reason it feels really comfortable. I giggle at the thought that Nick might be jealous, but I bet he won't.

Some time later Ravi, Sean and I are still sitting on the rock. But Mitchell, Bee, Lia and Huahwi joined, sitting down and leaning against the rock.

"Time to go home? I have an apartment close-by." Mitchell says and everone agrees, a lot of us are already yawning anyways.

"Yes, but before that.." I say and look around. Before I say anything, I take a deep breath. "I'd like to thank you all. For being here, I could've never wished for better friends."

"That's lovely!" Bee says. "I haven't known you guys for a long time, but you are amazing."

"What she said." Mitchell giggles.

"Ever since you first came in to rescue us, I knew you were all amazing." Huahwi says.

Great. Tears are forming now.

"I haven't spent too much time with you guys and I feel bad. I've never felt so comfortable." Sean says.

"David, London and Nick will be missed in this group. But we have to be strong." Lia says.

I'm crying now. Of happiness obviously.

"Together." Ravi adds.

"Is that true or is that false?" Bee asks.

"True or false?" I say, what an interesting question it is.


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