Chapter 18: Adrenaline

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London's POV

We land in Brazil and I let out a sigh. It feels weird being here, after deciding I didn't want to go. It's for the best though, David and Lia are probably in big trouble. You never know what Jay is capable of.

"Hey, hey, are you planning on staying in the airplane or what?" Meghan suddenly asks.

"Oh sorry, sunken in my thoughts again." I apologize quickly and walk together with the others towards the exit.

"Do you really think that we'll find them?" I ask as we walk out of the airport. The lovely weather welcomes us.

"Don't worry, we will!" Meghan says with a huge smile on her face, she looks pretty confident.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Nick says and we all grab our backpacks. We figured out in the plane that they would be about ten minutes away, so we run towards the direction it's located on the map.

After running for some time, we reach the street where David's phone should be. It should be on the left hand side, so we inspect all the houses.

"Look, over here!" Ravi motions us to come, he's about five houses away from me. "Look at the name!" He says pointing to the door, something's written on it with golden letters. Fancy.

"That's Jay's family name!" I suddenly realise. At that same time the nerves kick in, what are we possibly going to do?

"Let's knock, there is no doorbell.." Nick says, ready to knock on the door.

"Don't! Let's check around the house first." Meghan says pulling his hand away. "If Jay's behind this, it's dangerous for sure."

"Okay, split up." Ravi says and walks to the backdoor of the house with Meghan. I'm left with Nick.

"Let's inspect the sides, maybe there are some open windows." I suggest.

"This is just like a movie.." Nick says and he's right. I wish it was a movie and not real life. Sigh.

We walk to the side of the house and I spot an open window on the second floor. "Nick, look, there!" I whisper, pointing to the window.

"It's kind of dark in that room, I can't see anything." He states.

"You know that there's something called curtains right? Those are black ones." I fire back.

"False." Meghan stands next to us. "It's a barrier, painted black. You were close."

"Why is the window open though?" Ravi asks her.

"Maybe the owner put the barricade there, but forgot to close the window first? Sounds reasonable to me."

"I would be that kind of person." I chuckle, Meghan joins me.

"Umm, girls, shut up for a second will ya? Listen, you can hear what's happening in that room." Nick says, I chuckle at the accent he uses for the first sentence.

We can clearly hear the voices from the room, as it's completely quiet in the whole street.

"Sounds like Jay to me." I say a bit frightened.

"And.. Lia?" Ravi says worried.

"Yeah, I think so."

"I'll kick Jay's ass when I see him!" Ravi says frustrated, which surprises us.

"Aw, does Ravi have a crush?" I say dragging the 'h' and teasing him. He doesn't say a word and just gives me a angered look.

We listen carefully to the sounds coming from the room. "Sounds like, eh, weird stuff." Meghan says.

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