Chapter 12: Separate

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Nick's POV

We've found Ravi and now have another mystery. London is apparently in the hospital, Lia is probably with her and Niesrin is with us, all the time. Scary. We have to tell David as soon as possible!

"Is she still in the hospital?" Meghan asks.

"Probably." Ravi says.

"What do we do now?"

"No idea, you have the ideas."

"That's something everybody says. Anyway, is she in a critical condition? If she is, David has to fly over there. If not, we're good."

"I actually don't know, let's ask Niesrin."

"Sure, let's head inside."

I nod and we all walk inside the McDonald's. David, Will and Brayden aren't at the cashier, so they have to have their food already. I look around for Niesrin, but I can't seem to find her. It should be easy to find her right? Brown hair, hazel eyes, glasses, bright smile..

"I don't see her.." I say.

"Me neither.." Meghan looks down, hopelessly.

"Let's go find David, Will and Brayden first, maybe they know where she is."

"Sure." I have never seen Meghan this sad or hopeless, if that's the way to describe her mood.

"I don't see them.." Ravi says while looking around.

"Great, what do we do now?" I ask.

"Let's just... Call them." Meghan suggests, while getting her phone out.

"Um, who do we call?"

"Ghostbusters!" Ravi says excited. The way he says it reminds me of a little kid, who gets free candy.

"No, seriously, no time for jokes this time."

"Fine, let's just call David, as we don't have the phone numbers of Will or Brayden."

"I'll call him." Meghan says, ready to dial his number. We all agree and she calls David, putting her phone on the speaker.

"Hello?" David answers the phone.

"Hi, where are you?" Meghan asks.

"We're outside, around the corner."

"Okay, coming!"

"See you."


Meghan ends the call and we all instantly head outside again. Funny that we didn't see them walk past, maybe they went outside before we did. Hopefully they didn't hear anything, David is going to be very upset when he gets to know it anyways.

"Oi, you found Ravi!" Will greets us.

"Yea, we had a little talk, it's all good now." Ravi says.

"Good to hear." Brayden says while nodding.

"Where's Bee? I need to apologise."

"She was going to do something together with Mitchell."

"Who? That weird Australian dude?"

"Yea, they're dating.."

"That explains a lot."

"Enough Bee talk, we have some news." I interrupt them. Ravi can worry about Bee, but we have a serious problem. London is in a hospital, in a foreign country!

"Yeah, we have some news..." Meghan says slowly.

"What is it about?" David gets curious.

"Um, should I tell?"

"Go ahead." I nod, there's nobody else who can break the news to David, without breaking his feelings.

"It's about London. That girl, Niesrin, got some information about her." Meghan starts explaining everything.

After she finishes her story, David breaks down in tears as expected. I can understand though.

"I'll catch the first flight to Brazil." David suddenly decides.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yeah, I need to visit her as soon as possible. I can't leave her alone, especially after Jay ditched her and Lia."

"Okay, I understand. When's the next flight?"

"There's a flight heading directly to Brazil tonight, I'm booking for you right now." Brayden says.

"Really?" David looks amazed.

"Yea, of course!"

"Woah, thanks!"

"No problem dude, we need to get your stuff and go to the airport, you don't want to miss your flight!" Will says.

"Let's go!"

We all walk, run rather, to the apartment. David gets his stuff with Will's help. Brayden contacts Bee, Mitchell, Zach and Sean to let them know he's going to the airport for a bit. Ravi, Meghan and I prepare some food for David to bring. After everyone is ready, we catch a ride to the airport, a friend of Brayden wants to help us out and drives us.

David is about to walk to his terminal. We all say our goodbyes.

"Are you sure you'll be fine?" Meghan is really worried about David, knowing he can make stupid decisions sometimes.

"Yeah, don't worry." David says.

"Let me know as soon as you land, I want you to be safe."

"I will. Just don't worry. I'll be fine. I'll keep you up to date."

"Thanks. Good luck buddy, I'm going to miss you. A lot."

"I'll miss you too buddy."

"I'm going to cry.." Meghan says, trying to hold her tears from falling.

"Let it all out." David says, hugging Meghan.

"Thanks for everything."

After the final goodbye David leaves, off to his own adventure. We all wave him goodbye, until he disappeares into the security check.

"Crazy." Meghan says.

"What?" I ask.

"It's crazy how this vacation is going."

"It sure is." Ravi agrees, so do the others.

"Oh, I got a message from Lia."

"What does it say?" Brayden asks.

"Look." Meghan shows the group the message.

Liaah: Did you talk to a girl named Niesrin?

"Answer quickly, before she goes offline!" Will says. Everyone agrees.

Meg: Yea, why?

Liaah: What did she say?

Meg: What you said to her, London is in the hospital, Jay ditched you guys.

Liaah: Absolute lies. London only has a broken leg, so she's fine, Jay is in coma.

Meg: What happened?!

Liaah: We got run over by a truck.

Meg: David is on his way.

Liaah: Oh god. He's wasting money.

Meg: He already boarded.

Liaah: Tell me you're lying.

Meg: Nope. I wish.

Liaah: Shit.

"What does she mean?" Meghan is confused and so am I.

"I.. don't.. know.." Ravi says.

"But I do." A girl behind us says.

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