Chapter 5: Surprise

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Meghan's POV

After 10 minutes there's still nobody sitting next to me.

"Do you think someone is even going to sit next to me?" I ask.

"I don't know, maybe he or she is too scared to sit down next to you."

"Ugh, stop it!"

"I was just kidding.."

"Okay, okay.. I don't even know if I want someone to sit next to me, it's kinda scary."

"Maybe you'll become friends."

"I'm the most awkward person ever."

"You know that's not true."

"Fine, maybe I'm just over exaggerating."

"Hell yeah you are!"

We finish our conversation and as we do that, a stranger sits down next to me. He's wearing a black hoodie, with the hood it's shadow covering his face. He kinda reminds me of Arrow. Should I talk to him or what?

I whisper to David. "Psst.. David.. Should I talk with him?"

Before he was able to give an answer, a flight attendant asks for attention. We're going to take-off. As usual, there was this whole instruction procedure about what to do in an emergency situation. I didn't really pay attention, I continuously thought of things to say to the stranger. Ask about the hoodie, introduce myself.. Why is socialising so difficult?

While being way too busy with my thoughts, I didn't even notice that we were going to take off. The take-off goes fluently, we probably have an experienced pilot. A few minutes after we heard the 'ding' sound, that indicates that you could open your seat belts, the stewardesses came to bring some drinks.

"What do you want to drink, little boy?" The stewardess asks David.

"A normal cola please." David answers. The stewardess reaches for a cola and hands it to him.

"How about you?" She asks, looking at me.

"Umm, a glass of water please."

"Here you go."

"Thank you." She gives me my glass of water, luckily the water is cold, I'm not in the mood for anything else.

"How about you sir?" The stewardess asks the stranger next to me.

"A seven up please." The stranger answered. As the stewardess did before, she handed the drink to the stranger and continued asking other people what they want to drink.

I think this might be the perfect opportunity to start a conversation with the stranger, as David is already half asleep.

"Ahem, hi." I say and tap the stranger on his shoulder. He turns towards me, but I still can't see his face. "As we're going to sit next to each other for a little longer, I wanted to introduce myself."

There was a moment of silence.

"Do you speak English? Dutch? French?" I ask.

"Yes, yes, a little bit." The stranger finally answered.

"Ah okay, my name is Meghan." I reach out to shake his hand.

"I know your name, don't worry." The stranger says while shaking my hand. His skin tone is a bit dark, probably not European.

"But.. How?" "You know mine as well."

"Maybe I know yours, if you can put off that hood."

"Ah right."

The stranger puts off his hood, as he does that, I look at his face. He's probably around the same age as me. He looks familiar, although I don't know from where I recognise him.

"Umm, do I know you from somewhere?" I ask.


"Wait, you're Ravi?"


"As in, Nick's friend?"

Nick is my boyfriend and good friends with David as well.


"Ah right, you're the guy that continuously answers with yup."

"Yup!" Ravi says jokingly.

"But, what are you doing here?"

"Supporting a friend."

"What do you mean by that?"


A guy says from behind me, above me, to be exact. He sat right behind me and was standing up right, so he would be hanging above my head.

"Oh my god!" I gasp.

It's Nick. I can't believe he's actually on the plane with me and I didn't even notice.

"Soo... Are you happy to see him?" David is awake.

I can't bring out a single word, it feels so unreal.

"I think she's shocked." Ravi says.

"Oops.." Nick says "I couldn't think of a better way to surprise you.."

"It's an awesome surprise, don't you worry!" I was finally able to speak again.

"Phew, I was scared you were going to throw me off the plane or something!" Nick says.

"I would never!" I say. Or would I?

"Aw, how cute!" David says.

Ravi nods his head. I can't help but smiling at Nick, this was so unexpected.

"Great, now I'm going to cry..." I say.

We all continue to smile as idiots, at least this is going to be an awesome vacation!

"Welcome in California!" We landed. I'm still shaking. My boyfriend and his friend are here. As a surprise. It's way too much to handle.

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