Vivian Pt. ll

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*Abby's POV*

We drove off & hung out at the mall for a bit then hung out at his house after. He kept getting text messages from Binky and missed calls. We sat on the couch watching 'If I Stay.'

"Why didn't you tell me about Vivian?" I said. It occurred to me just now. He looked at me confused & like he almost wanted to cry. "Who told you about her?" he asked. "Matt & Nash. But please don't be mad at them. You should've told me. I told you about Jordan...... why couldn't you do the same?" I asked. "I couldn't do the same because I didn't want to ever speak about her again," he said looking down.

"It's okay if you don't wanna talk about her. You don't have to," I said softly. "Nah..... I have to. I owe it to you," he said. I nodded my head. "We met in the middle of Freshman year. She was really beautiful. Had these amazing features on her face. I had her in math & we had to partner up on day for this assignment. We caught on really quick after that and started talking a lot. She was a lot like you actually. It's almost as if your the same person.... but we started dating after a month and so on."

"But things started getting complicated the summer of my sophomore year before I was gonna be a junior. She felt distant to me & was mostly always ignoring me all the time. Everytime we had plans to hang out she'd always cancel or make an excuse. We barely hung out that summer. Then when school came, she always ignored me or avoided me but she'd sometimes hang out with me. During those times...... she made me feel unwanted. But I liked her so much. I- I loved her."

It wasn't until November when she really started being herself again. Like how she was when we first started dating. Like she was so nice & she didn't avoid me anymore. Then one night we out just hanging & she really wanted to have sex & that was my first time. We didn't use a condom because she said she had pills. So we just went for it."

"Then it was December & she told me she was pregnant. So a few days later I went over to her house to just talk with you her you know..... and we were in her room. She really had to pee and there was this envelope sticking out from her pillowcase so I pulled it out & it was the paternity results. So I checked it because I thought I'm the father anyways so why not."

"Turns out I wasn't the father. It was this guy named Finn that I never really liked. We had problems since we met so Finn & I didn't get along. So anyways you know the rest she tried denying it. But that explained why she was avoiding me. Finn didn't want the baby so she came to me. She was gonna use me." he explained as he was breaking down. "I'm sorry Cam," I said softly as I put my arms over him.

"The only difference is you would never cheat on me right?" he asked. "Why when I have you?" I replied. He smiled softly & leaned in to kiss me which then turned into a make out session. "Now there's something I have to tell you," I said.

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