What Really Happened

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*Cameron's POV*

"Where were you going?" I asked. "To a party..... You were invited too. I remember Bianca......... she......... she gave me an address..... and she.... she told me not to tell you because you were gonna be there," she said. "What? What are you..... Abby there was no party I don't........," I said thinking hard about it. She looked at me confused and desperate to know what I was thinking about.

"What? What Cameron?" she asked. "Um, go to class," I said getting up and walking away. I texted Bianca and told her to meet me. A few minutes later she came. "Hey," she said. "Is everything okay?" she asked. "No everything's not okay," I replied. "Where were you the day of Abby's accident?" I asked furiously. "Cam, I was...... I was home, why are you being like this," she said afraid.

"Stop lying," I said getting fed up. "I'm not.... Cam stop," she said backing away. "Why did you tell Abby there was a party when there wasn't actually a party," I asked angrily. "What? I didn't. I don't know what your talking about," she said with her voice cracking. "Did you hire someone to 'kill' her?" I asked. "DID YOU?!" I was so angry and fed up with her I couldn't stay calm anymore. "What?! No! I..."

"Holy shit," I said cutting her off. "It was you wasn't it?! You told her there'd be a party & that I was going just so she can go right? Then when she got to that certain area you fucking attempted to kill her right?!" I said. "Everything makes sense. Why you had a cut and a bruise on your face...... how you 'found out' about Abby." I said putting the pieces together. She started sobbing and holding her hand over her mouth to prevent noise. "Are you gonna tell anyone?" she said crying.

"Am I gonna tell anyone? Of course I'm gonna fucking tell someone, why wouldn't I?" I said angrily. "Why?! Why did you do it?" I said looking away from her. I couldn't even look at her in the face anymore. "I did it because I.... because I love you," she said sobbing. "Cut the shit," I replied. "I swear..... I did it because I love you and.. and she doesn't deserve you," she said ending it with a smile. "You don't deserve me," I said. "I don't even deserve Abby. She's too good & has a good fucking heart," I said beginning to cry.

"You didn't kill her but..... but you did kill someone," I said. "What? No there was no one inside that car with her... I made sure," she said starting to cry again. "Made sure? You fucking stalked her too?!" I said angrily. "No I.... who? Who did I kill?!" she shouted. "You killed....... you killed the life growing inside of her," I said crying right after. "What?" she said with her eyes widening. "No... no your lying," she said shaking her head variously. "Do you want the test?" I asked crying.

"I didn't.... I didn't know I swear," she said beginning to cry. "I know you didn't know. But even if you did it wouldn't make a difference anyways. You'd still want her gone and I bet you still do now," I said. "You're right," she sniffled after. "I still want her gone because I fucking hate her," she said stepping in closer to me. "Fuck you....... I'll never ever forgive you for what you did," I said. "But she won't love you like I do," she said starting to cry again. "No... you'll never love me like she does," I replied walking away. "Are you gonna turn me in?" she asked nervously. "Why would I let you walk knowing you killed my baby & almost killed my girlfriend?" I said continuing to walk. "Cam you can't," she said running up to me and grabbing my arm.

"Don't fucking touch me," I said pulling my arm away. "You'll regret it because your gonna miss me," she said. "And you have no proof,"'she said. I turned a "evil" smile and turned to her. It's all right here," I said pulling out my phone and showing her the previous recording. She widened her eyes in horror and immediately walked away.

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