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*Abby's POV*

"So you gonna turn her in or not?" said my mom the next day. "I'm not even sure if that's what I want," I replied eating my cereal. "Anyways I'm late for school, so I gotta go," I said getting up an getting my phone. "Okay.... see you after school maybe," said my mom brides I walked out the door.

I walked into first period making eye contact with Bianca & she instantly gave me a cold look. I sat down and ignored her.

"I don't think I want to turn her in," I said telling Cam at lunch. "What fuck?! Abby? Are you fucking kidding me?!" he said angrily. "Look I know you don't understand but-" "Yeah your fucking right I don't understand..... you fucking fought her yesterday," he said cutting me off. "I know, but she's lost..... don't you see that?" I said looking up at him. "Yeah, I do actually," he replied looking down at me.

"I just want to talk to her first," I said walking away to find her. "Wait where are you going?" he asked grabbing my hand. "To look for her," I replied continuing to walk. "Okay, well lemme come with you. You don't know what she'll do," he replied walking beside me. We walked around campus and found her sitting down doing homework by herself.

I made my way over and sat down in front of her slamming my bag in front of me causing her to jump. "Geez, what the fuck?" she said going back to writing. "I'm not turning you in," I said stiffly. She looked up and looked at me confused. "Why not?" she asked. "Because...... I know why you did what you did and I know how you felt. I know you're still lost," I said softly.

"You don't know shit," she angrily slamming her pencil down. "I know you still love Cam. But your welcome thanks for saying thank you," I said getting up and walking away. "Thanks..... Abby," she said looking up at me. I nodded my head and walked away.

"So you still moving?" asked Cam after school. "I'm not sure..... I think we are but I mean we only have like 2 more months of school left anyways." I replied. "Maybe I'll try and convince my mom to lie to them & say I need more time healing," I continued. "But no promises that she'll agree," I said. He slightly smiled and nodded his head.

Later that day I approached my mom as she was washing the dishes. "Hey...... mom?" I said nervously afraid of asking her the question knowing her answer. "Yeah Abbs?" she replied. "I wanna...... I know your answer but it doesn't hurt to try again....... I-" "No Abby. We've been over this already. I know you want to stay but I have to go for my job," she said cutting me off.

"It's just like two and a half more months mom.......... I want to graduate from here. If we go now then what are you gonna do? Enroll me in school to where I only have two more months left and then I graduate not knowing anyone at that school?!" I said angrily.

"Fair point........... lemme think about it," she replied. I nodded my head and headed back upstairs.

I awoke to the sound of my alarm ringing in my ears. I got up and got ready for school. I filled in my eyebrows & straightened my hair. "Morning," said my mom as I was heading downstairs. "Hey," I replied. "Go get started on breakfast and I'll come down in a few," she said rubbing her eyes. "What do you want me to make?" I asked. "The usual American breakfast........ pancakes," she said noticing my confusion.

I headed downstairs and started the mixture. A few minutes later my mom came down and picked up from where I left off. "So I thought about what you said yesterday & you were right....." she said pouring some of the pancake mix into the pan. "Really?" I said with a smile forming on my face. "Yeah....... you deserve to graduate with your boyfriend and friends." she said. "Thanks mom. Truly...... so what are you gonna say to them then?" I asked. "That you still need time to recover and won't be able to travel for about another 2 months or so," she replied. "Thanks mom," I said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Anyways, I gotta run," I said grabbing my bag. "This early?" she asked. "Yeah I gotta go to the store and pick up a few things," I replied. I headed out the door and made my way to Cam's house. "Hey," he said confused as he opened the door. "Sorry I know I should've texted or called but this is great news. Well.... at least for me...... but I'm not moving.... yet," I said happily.

"Great..... that's great," he said slightly chuckling and giving a kiss. "You want a ride to school?" he asked. "I'm here so might as well," I replied smiling.

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