CHAPTER 5 : When I...

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        After I rang the doorbell Jack answered, then I thought about the first time this happened and when we were staring into each other's' eyes.

"Hey Jack!" I said hugging him.

"Heyy! Come in!" he said.

"Is Conor home?" I asked.

"Nahh he went with Josh to the club they'll be back later", he said.

"Oh alright"

"Are you hungry?" he asked.

"Yeah I really am I haven't had dinner yet"

"Great because I was thinking of preparing some pasta but I really didn't know how to prepare it properly, you do know how to cook right?" he joked.

Then I looked over at him and gave out a little laugh.

"No Jack you're out of luck", I said sarcastically then he started laughing.

       So we headed over to the kitchen then he played some music which we eventually danced to whilst making the pasta together then we sat down to eat.

"Mmm this is really good", he complimented which made me smile, "You do know that we did that together do you?" I said which we both laughed at.

       Whilst eating he made some jokes about Conner which I thought were pretty funny and then we washed the dishes together and while  doing that I saw the way he looked at me with his deep blue eyes. Suddenly he grabbed my hand and two beer bottles and rushed to the balcony.

"What are we doing haha"

"We'll have a drink", he said smiling.

We both stood looking at the view and started drinking. When he got drunk he got drunk he started singing Drake lyrics.

"You know I'd die for youuuu", he sang.

"You're crazy", I laughed. I was drunk at that moment so I started singing with him.

We heard Conor and Josh come in from the door so we went back inside, they asked about how I was.

"You guyyyss! Let's play a game", Conor said.

"You're drunk as well?". "A little bit" he answered but it didn't look like it. He looked like he had ten shots in a row.

"Spin the bottle!" Josh shouted.

He then grabbed an empty beer bottle and asked us to sit in a circle.

"Seriously Josh? You know we're not ten right?" I laughed hysterically.

"Why? We're all friends you don't need to be shy Claire" he laughed and so did Conor and Jack.

"Fine but i'll only get to kiss one person and then i'm going home because it's getting late", I said.

So then we all sat in a circle and then conor spun the bottle and it wasn't surprised that it landed on me, and Jack.

"What a surprise", said Conor.

       I didn't say anything then Conor looked over to Josh and they were waiting for me to kiss him. Jack looked at me with a grind on his face, he didn't look nervous but I was. I didn't even think about it I just put my hands on his cheeks and smashed y lips into his. His mouth felt super soft and tasted like beer, I didn't want to pull away but I eventually did. We were looking at each other before I quickly turned my head to see Josh and Conor smiling.

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