CHAPTER 14 : Beach

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       When I've woken up I already found Jack gone so I went to take and shower and put some fresh new clothes on and when I came back I saw as Jack come in the room.

       "Where have you been this morning? I've woken up and you weren't there", I asked. "I went for a little walk then decided to come back up", he said.

       "Oh okay, are we having breakfast with Conor and the guys right?" I asked. "Ermm I don't know", he said putting his hands around me. "Can we be alone?" he said as he smirked at me then giving a kiss.

       Then Jack's phone started to ring and when he took it out of his pocket and answered I heard Conor shout in a high pitched funny voice.

      "Where the fuck are you!?" I heard Conor shout then we both started shouting. "We'll be right there", Jack answered then when he hung up he looked over at me and we both laughed.

"C'mon we need to catch up with the guys", I laughed grabbing my bag.

       Then we head down stairs and started walking to the restaurant where we were meeting the boys. After arriving I found all the boys sitting on the table including Caspar Lee.

       "Hey boys. Caspar? Hey! When did you arrive?", I asked. "Hey Claire, umm.. I arrived this morning ", he answered. "That's great how are you?" I asked sitting next to Joe. "I'm great what about you?" he answered, "I'm great thanks".

       Then we ordered our food and while waiting we were talking about what we would like to do today. "How about we go for a swim on the beach and then head to the club for shots?" I suggested. "Haha sounds great are you boys down?" Conor said then everyone approved until Caspar said: " You guys did you forget about my video?"

"What video?" I asked, "Oh yeahh, me and Jack approved to do the brain freeze challenge", Conor said.

       "Woah you guys up for that?" I said looking over at Jack and Conor, "That's crazy I saw when you guys did it", I said looking over at Oli and Joe. "Haha yeah that was horrible since Caspar doesn't ask quickly he's a shit head", Joe said laughing which cracked us all as well. "We'll give it a try", Jack said, but he looked a bit worried.

       "We'll do the Challenge then head to the beach, sounds good?" Conor asked. "Yeah sure since I'm not a part of it", I laughed. I really don't mind being the only girl between the guys because they were really fun to hang out with and always up for anything.

       After finishing with the food we head to the supermarket to get ice packs then went back to the hotel so that Jack and Conor could make the video with Caspar.

        I've watched as Joe set up the cameras and Caspar the bath afterwards they started the video whilst I was in the background watching. Jack luckily got the first question right which surprised us all because, he was Jack and no one has ever got the first question right.

       We watched as Conor screams in the freezing water until he got the question right then went to wrap himself in Aluminum foil. Then when they got warm me and Jack went back to our room to change, I changed into my bikini and put clothes on top and grabbed my things then when I was about to call Jack I saw him taking a picture for snapchat and whilst taking it I said: "C'mon you silly stop trying to look good you already are" then he posted the picture and laughed.

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