CHAPTER 35 : Miss You

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Today was the day that I'm going to Barcelona in with Josh.

Saying my goodbyes to Claire was the hardest thing because I was going to miss her so much and so will she plus this trip wouldn't be fun without her as we could have done crazy things together if you know what I mean.. but sadly she couldn't come.

I hung out with her for the last few days so as we could have some fun together, Conor and Joe joined us making the nights even more fun, we drank, made impressions and watched episodes of Narcos.

Anyhow I didn't want to sleep because I knew I was going to in the plane since we were leaving at 5.30AM. I gave Claire a ride back to her apartment this morning then came back here to pack up my things, although we were going to Barcelona for a few days I still packed up loads of clothes for it and then on our way to the airport I took several snapchat videos and vlogged because I wanted to post something on my second channel.

'On my way to Barcelona!! -@Jack_Maynard23' I tweeted before shoving my phone inside my pocket.

Josh and I grabbed our suitcases then head inside the airport to drop them off and go to the lounge where we could chill whilst waiting for our plane to be called out.

A few hours later our plane was boarding so we went straight to the gate whilst I vlogged. I looked like a mess because I didn't do my hair so wore my hat on instead to cover up the mess.


We finally arrived to Barcelona! And I'm excited to be here. Myself and Josh arrived at the hotel then had a few hours of sleep and woke up to get something to eat.

After we ate in the hotel I changed my clothes and unlocked my phone to vlog:

'So me and Josh are out in Barcelona, we're here for like a few- 3 days. I'm very very excited- like first of all the weather here is amazing. We've been put in this incredible hotel- we're out here with Gillette so we'll be doing loads of cool stuff with them. I think we're going to Barcelona's training ground to play some football so.. I guess I'll see you there!'


I haven't done much this morning except for going to my photo shoot for Adidas which I was really excited for and it turned out really well; that I'm really happy about.

Brooklyn was leaving today to go to Brighton and surprisingly Joe volunteered to go with her so he could 'see his family' but I think he decided to go because he wanted to be with her so the next few days and I hope they have fun.

When Joe arrived I let him in then he greeted us all before leaving with Brook, I wasn't completely alone.. I had Rosie with me so that was good, I guess. After they left I went on my computer and signed into twitter to see Jack's tweet of him saying that he's on his way to Barcelona.

I decided to tweet him something as a reply so I typed in: 'Have fun and be safe :* @Jack_Maynard23'

A few minutes later I got tons of tweets directed to me like:

"Aww! Jlaire is so cute!!"

"Stay away from Jack he's mine!"

"Jlaire !! :O"

I was scrolling through the tweets before Rosie interrupted me. "Hey! C??" she shouted then I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over at her. "Yeah sorry what's up?", "Want to go with me to Conor's? I don't want to leave you here alone", she said swinging her keys.

"Erm.. yeah sure let me just wear my shoes", I said closing my laptop and grabbing my shoes.

She drove us to Conor, Jack and Josh's apartment and parked then we made our way upstairs. We could hear some noise coming from the apartment which we could tell was music, Conor must've been playing his songs. Rosie rang the bell then Conor greeted her with a kiss on the cheek and gave me a hug before he let us both in.

"How's it going!" I shouted over the loud music so Conor turned it off and opened the TV instead, "Yeah everything's good", he replied with a smile. "Any plans for tonight?"

"Nahh I haven't got any. It's hard to go anywhere alone without Jack and Josh because it wouldn't be fun without them ", he laughed. "Yeah", I replied sitting on the sofa.


'Oh my god! I'm currently having diner on the pitch of Barcelona, the pictures are right there and Messi is banging goals right there! And i'm about to have dinner- this is mad, this is actually crazy, shit.. this isn't the worst place to have diner everyone fuck Josh!'

I laughed then closing my phone before ending my vlog there. I then realized that I haven't texted Claire since last night so I decided to do so.


Hey beautiful! How was your day x

Hot Stuff <3

Heyy and not bad except it was a little bit boring so myself and Rosie went over to Conor's to hangout wbu?x


Cool cool.. me and Josh went to loads of places haha you'll have to wait till my vlog comes out tomorrow ;)

Hot Stuff <3

till then ;)


I hope you enjoyed! I'm sorry that this is a bit boring but hopefully the next chapter will be better ;) Please vote and especially comment telling me what you think because I've been really missing them :D

You can also follow if you want and if you already are then thank youuu! :* I'll be updating every Friday now. I'm sorry for the change in updating days because I've been really busy lately :/ 

Anddd....... this book is about to finish tell me what you think about that! 

Love Lena xx

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