Chapter 18

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{Harry's POV}

Holy shit. I don't think my heart has ever beat this fast in my life.

"Um hi I'm Niall Harry's......"

"Boyfriend" My mum interrupts. As the words leave her mouth I feel as if my eyes could pop out of their socket at any moment.

"What" I croak

"It's pretty obvious. Ask Niall here I asked him if he had a bit of a crush on you the day I met him. I know my son very well" she chuckled

"So you knew I that"

"Harry it's ok to be gay despite what your father thought about it" she smiled hugging me and Niall. I looked over at Niall who still seemed to be in pure shock by this whole thing. I still wasn't satisfied though. Niall hadn't called himself my boyfriend my mum had. That doesn't mean much.

"Alright well I better be going. I'll see you boys around" my mum called walking towards the door leaving me and Niall alone in the house. I turned to Niall who was still pretty much in shock.

"Ni I'm sorry she just assumed....."

"It's alright Harry. Don't worry about it" Niall said being quick to reassure me. I bit my lip pulling the new placed lip ring in between my teeth and stood there for a second.

"So if my mum wouldn't have interrupted you what would you have said"

"Boyfriend" Niall chuckled


"Yeah. I mean we act like we're dating why try and deny it in front of your mother"

"I guess your right. So we're dating?"

"Yes Harry" Niall laughed grabbing my hand and pulling me back down to the den. I smiled running along with him until soon we were both collapsing down onto the couch. Niall laughed looking down at me.

"I still cant believe this is happening. Harry are you sure this is....."

"I love you Niall" I said cutting him off with a kiss. Niall sighed against me and laid his head on my chest. I wasn't expecting him to say anything back. I for a fact know he's not ready for that. I understand honestly. I don't want to push him into saying anything and he not mean it.

I watched the random shows that came on the TV with Niall laughing at funny parts, and cuddling Niall during sad parts. Never in a million years did I think I would ever be in this position. All my life I grew up being forced to know that being gay is wrong.

"Harry" Niall whispered

"Yes Ni" I whispered back

"What was your mum talking about what she uh mentioned your dad" Niall asked seeming scared to ask. I don't talk about my dad. Not even with the lads but I don't want to keep anything else from Niall. I was gonna have to tell him sooner or later.

"My dad just wasn't.....a good person"


"Harry get your ass downstairs" I hear my dad yell from the bottom on the steps. I'm only 10 Jesus my legs can only take me but so far, so fast. I walked down the steps and saw my dad sitting in his large recliner.

"Yeah dad"

"What's this I hear about you hanging about that fag boy Conner down the street" he growled

"Hey mum said...."

"I don't give a fuck what your mother said" he yelled raising from his seat. "I told you I don't want you hanging out with fucking fags do you hear me"

"But dad!"

I cant say much else before a large hands runs over my cheek sending me flying down to the ground in tears. I raise my hand to my cheek feeling it sting as more tears rush down.

"Don't fucking question me"

"O-OK" I practically scream

"Now get your ass up the steps now. And if I hear about you hanging with that fag again your dead"

~End of Flashback~

"O-Oh my god baby I'm so sorry" Niall said hugging me. I wrapped my arms around him letting more tears that had formed run down my cheeks.

"Don't b-be sorry."

"No your dad shouldn't have treated you like that. I'm just I'm sorry" Niall said pulling back revealing that he was crying as well.

"Awh Kitten don't cry please. I'm ok" I said hugging him tighter

"Promise" Niall said into the crook of my neck

"I promise"


"Good. Now why don't we lay on the couch some more and cuddle for the rest of the day. Sadly we have school tomorrow"

"What happens tomorrow?" Niall asked looking at me his eyes still glossy

"What do you mean?"

"Everyone at school thinks your straight Harry" Niall pointed out


"Oh god Niall.....I don't know if I'm ready to come out. Not to the school......I'm so sorry"

"Harry you don't have to be sorry. I'm not gonna force you to come out as gay. That takes a lot of time"

"You mean your ok with keeping our relationship a secret?"

"Yes Harry. Your not ready to come out like the whole school. It took me a while to find the courage to even do it"

"How long"

"About a year and a half" he sighed

"I'm not gonna make you wait that long for me Niall. It's not right" I say shaking my head.

"Harry it's really OK"

"If you say so...but I still don't want to have to wait that long."

"Harry you'll know when your ready. When you are I will be"

"Alright. Thank you"

"Thank you for telling me a bit about your past" he smiled sadly. There's still so much he doesn't know though. I'm just not sure when I'll be ready to tell him the whole story. I've lived a pretty fucked up child hood up until when my dad finally left.

I sighed hugging Niall more not letting him move from my lap. Tomorrows going to be a hard day. I'm gonna have to deal with not acting like I'm in love with Niall just to keep this to ourselves. I wont be able to touch him, hug him, kiss him, show that I actually do love him.

It's going to be hard but I'm just not ready for everyone know.

I'm not.


This chapter gave me so many feels......
Like I had to stop to take breathers but I knew that some of you were going to kill me if I didn't update. So here you go. Comment telling me what you thought of the chapter. I want more feedback from you guys. Ant predictions? Any thoughts? Any drama ideas? Anything really.



Fan :)

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