Chapter One

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"BYE KIAYA" kiaya's friends scream and hug her before she leaves the lunchroom. It was time for her to leave for Florida.

"Bye guys" kiaya says quietly. She doesn't want to leave but she knows she has to because of her mother's job. She walks out into the hallway and gets to her locker,grabs her things and then walks to the office where her mother was waiting.

"Ready kiaya?" her mother asks.

"Yeah,I am I guess" kiaya says walking to stand next to her mom.

"Bye,have a great summer!!" Mrs.Wilson the principle says. Kiaya and her mother walk out to the parking lot and find their car among the sea of other red,blue,black and Grey cars. They both get in and kiaya grabs her iphone from her bag then throw her bag in the back with a few boxes.

"Alright,Florida here we come!!" her mother says cheerfully. Kiaya rolls her eyes and buckles up,Then unlocks her iPhone.


"kiaya wake up honey!!, we're here!" her mother was shaking her gently.

"what?" she replies back confused. Kiaya sits up in her seat and her phone falls out of her lap,She bends over to pick it up then looked out of the car window. The truck guys were moving the boxes and furniture into the house. Kiaya steps out of the car and opens the back door to grab her bag then she shuts the door.

"Excuse me" a voice says behind her. The person and Kiaya collide and fall to the ground knocking kiaya's phone and bag out of her hand.

"ouch" kiaya said. She looks over to see someone else on the ground. It was a cute boy with dark brown hair and dark green eyes wearing a Adidas jacket.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

"Yeah um yeah I'm fine"

"I'm Mario" he says holding out his hand to help kiaya up.

"I'm kiaya"

"Nice to meet you" Mario says as he hands her the phone that fell out of her hand.

"Are you new here?" Mario asks

"Yeah,Do you live in this neighborhood?"

"No,I live a few blocks away actually. But anyways my mom is probably waiting for me. I was supposed to be home half an hour ago." He laughs. "It was nice meeting you Kiaya. I'll see you around?"

"Nice meeting you too,And yeah sure we'll see each other around."

"Okay bye" Mario and kiaya wave to each other as they both start walking to where they need to be.

Kiaya's voice inside her head screamed.

"Who was that?" her mother asked

"No one important" kiaya replied.

"well help us take things into the house"

"fine" Kiaya goes into the house to set her things on the kitchen island then goes back out to grab some boxes.

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