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I couldn't fall asleep any earlier than midnight every single night. I liked to think to much and they can be overwhelming. The distraction of what your mind can tell you is like none other.
My curiosity also strikes during night and I often find myself walking around the courtyard. I sometimes even have this small speck of hope that I'd run into the blonde boy again. It hasn't happened since the last time I was listening to his conversation with that Avi character. I should be pissed at him and not want to see him. It's strange.

He was so rude to me. He called me a kid and called me stupid. He didn't know this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach I always feel around him. I've never felt it before. It's like he starts something inside of me that no one else has done quite yet.

It's an odd feeling. I wasn't quite to the point of nauseous, but I was getting there. I felt jittery and nervous. My stomach kept doing these weird flips when I'm around him. And it's quite terrifying. I have no idea what about this boy causes it, I don't even know his name!

I don't much about being a Gay, but he doesn't know the struggle of not knowing if you're one or not. I've never loved anyone, so of course it was hard to tell now, but how was I supposed to grow up and get married and have kids if I was a Gay? He doesn't understand what I'm going through.

I know he is a Different and that is hard, but he knows who he is. I heard that in the other place, you become an adult at eighteen. He was in adult in some places. He was mature and I was not. Because I wasn't even close to an adult.

Was being a Gay bad? I knew it was against society's rules, but is it bad in other places too? Is it wrong? I don't think I want to be a Gay, but I'm pretty sure I am. No one has ever sparked my interest like this boy has.

Maybe it's not any type of thing resembling that I'm a Gay, but a feeling of curiosity. Yeah,
I think that's it. I do love girls. I will fall in love with a lovely lady when I become an adult.

I won't get any more static running through out my body when I touch this boy. I just won't let myself. I won't even touch him anymore. This is my phase, not what Kirstie said. This is.

"Kirstie." I say, pulling myself away from my thoughts.

"Yes?" She replies softly.

"Can we get married when we are adults? I need to fall in love with a girl and you're the only girl I talk to."

"Mitch, we've talked about this." I frown. We had talked about this before. "And we agreed we wouldn't marry each other." I nod.

"Can we take a walk? I don't want to sit right now." Kirstie nods and walks with me, not feeling afraid when she's accidentally bump me. It was 9:30 and no one was outside.

I lead the way, Kirstie never took walks anymore. She was a Normal and stayed in bed like usual. What I should be doing.

"I'm going to go home. It's getting late." I nod and watch Kirstie skip back to her unit like usual. We did this type of thing a lot, hang out in the courtyard until Kirstie decided it was too late.

I walk by myself until my mind gets clouded with thoughts once again. What if I was a Gay? I wouldn't even be able to tell anyone without becoming a Different. I'd live my life sad because I'd have to marry a women.

I hate this society. I hate the rules and what they expect from us. My eyes become flooded with water. You weren't supposed to cry. Emotions were against the rules. But there I was, sitting on a bench and crying my eyes out. I feel myself being scooped off of the bench. I wipe my eyes.

I didn't know who was holding me but they had absolutely no problem scooping me up and walking away from where we were.

All I saw was me being taken from where I was to somewhere I've never seen. The room I was taken to was dark, mainly because it didn't have any light but windows and a small lamp.

I'm placed onto a small a small cushion. This place reminded me of Drakes Den. But the the figure sits with me, my back pressed to his chest and his arms around me, one hand running up my arm.

"It's Scott." He says. I recognized the voice. I always could. "My name is Scott." I nod.

No other words were shared, only sat in each other's embrace. This didn't help me at all, only made me believe further that I could be a Gay, but I didn't care right now. I enjoyed his touch and just like I told myself not too, it made me jittery and nervous. But I think I liked it.

"This isn't allowed." I whisper. He nods.

"That's why I brought you here. No one can see or find us here." He says, his voice so much calmer than I had ever heard. This place was his Drakes Den. I wonder if he had ever brought anyone else back here before.

"Why are you helping me?"

"I'm not helping you. I'm comforting you." He explains. "The society doesn't want to see me show affection? Fine. I'll do it where no one can see me." I didn't know why he chose me to show affection to. He didn't make it sound like he likes me and even told me to stay away from him, but here we are laying down with each other, barely any part of our bodies not touching.

"What are you doing, Scott?" It felt weird saying his name.

"I'm hugging you. Have you ever hugged someone before? It's pretty nice." I shake my head when he uses my words. This was completely against the rules, but I didn't want to stop. Not even a little.

And then I fell asleep. I didn't regret going to sleep in his arms. I had felt the most comfort I had ever felt in my entire life on that cushion with him.

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