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"I don't know if I can do this to the poor boy." I say, looking over at Kevin sitting across from me.

"Scott, it's not like you are killing him. You're helping him." Kevin says to me. "Come one."

"He is going to do something so stupid, Kev, and I'm afraid I will too. I can't have a re-do of Alex." I explain to him. Kevin shakes his head.

"It won't be a re-do of Alex because you aren't going to fall in love with Mitchell." Kevin says. I cringe.

"Mitch." I correct him. He chuckles slightly.

"Whatever. You still won't fall in love with him." I roll my eyes.

"It's not like I can just force myself not to. It's kind of a forceful thing." Kevin shrugs.

"Figure it out." I sigh and tilt my head back. "Now get out of here before someone comes in." He jokes. I wave at him before exiting the room. I make sure my black suit was secured before walking out and back on to the courtyard.

So here is the thing, Kevin and I were best friends before I was marked as a Different. I was devastated that I had to leave Kevin. He was always there for me and I was there for him.

But then he found me one day, he was a silver. I didn't know how he was marked as one, I actually couldn't believe it. Kevin and I are both Differents.

To be quite honest, everyone is a Different. Something inside of any person isn't the same as others. The thoughts, appearance, the way they talk. It's different.

But back to my story. Two years ago, I was in love. I met a boy named Alex. I could've sworn he was the one and I was the one for him as well.

But one, I wasn't an adult and shouldn't of been touching anyone. Two, he was a guy. Being gay is against the society's rules.

We were caught, both marked as Differents. I don't really know what they did to Alex, sent him somewhere else. They didn't want him near me. I kind of figured.

But what does Mitch have to do with this? I didn't understanding at first either.

It was Kirstie's idea, she just didn't know I was the one assigned the job. Kirstie came to Kevin. They are friends as well, I guess. She told him that Mitch was going to be found and caught if something didn't happen.

So Kevin set out to make sure it didn't happen, telling me that he was much like me. He said that I needed to watch over him, make sure he kept away from trouble. And I am doing okay at it.

But here is the thing, love can get in the way. If Mitch falls in love with me, we are both screwed. Because I can fall in love with him as well. It's pretty easy to do, but hard to avoid.

I get distracted easily. I already get distracted at Mitch. He was a very intriguing person, as he thought I was as well. He is determined. He wants the truth to this damned society, as we all do actually.

But Mitch had said that he'd turn himself in if I continued to talk to him. Should I tell him the truth? No, he's to stubborn to understand it. Kevin would also be very mad at me.

I found myself knocking at Kirstie's door. It opens slowly. It was almost 10:00, almost no one was outside to see a Different knocking on her door.

"Can I help you?" She asks, hand sitting on her hip sassily.

"Can we talk somewhere private? I need your help and you need some information from me." She scoffs.

"I need you to stay away from Mitch. You're ruining him." She snaps, brushing the hair out from her face.

"Meet me at that den in like five minutes?" He eyes bug out at my request.

"How do you know about Drakes Den?" She asks, sass now gone.

"I have my ways." I wink before turning and walking away. Now only to make sure Mitch doesn't see either of us go there. I knew he was wandering somewhere, he always did at night. Ever since he first saw me.

You see, my intentions were never to actually create some type or relation with him. I was assigned to keep him away from trouble, not talk to him in anyway. Things just developed to that, with the hugging and weird arguments.

I make it to the den. Kirstie was their first because she probably knew a much quicker way then I did. I had never been inside, only around the outside with Mitch.

I crawl inside and Kirstie is waiting.

"I saw Mitch. He saw me I think. He might come here." Kirstie explains. "Make this quick."

"Okay. So, you know the deal you made with Kevin?" She squeezes her eyes shut for a moment.

"Why do you seem to know literally everything?"

"I get around." She turns her head to the side. "I was the one assigned to look after Mitch and keep him away from trouble." She looks back, a frustrated laugh creeping from her lips.

"Keep him from trouble? Look after him? He changed so much because of you! He has almost been caught so many times because he now creeps around at midnight because he thinks he'll find you. He touched you, for Gods sake!" Kirstie snaps. I open my mouth to speak but she holds a finger up to stop me. "How are you helping him? Please let me know that. He has gotten worse ever since you tripped and fell on your ass on the instruction hall!"

"Are you done?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. She clears his throat and awkwardly nods. "The only reason that the word "only" is in front of the word "caught" is because of me. I've stopped him so many times. I understand that I'm not very good at watching over him, but it's better than nothing. Can you agree on that?" She didn't say anything.

"I'm being watched over?" I hear the all so familiar voice from behind me.

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