twenty one.

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I liked Scott's presence. Being around him made me feel safe and comforted, even if he was a Different. After we got past all of the bad things, I have come to find that he has an amazing personality. He is overwhelming funny, always knew every way to make me laugh. He was also very sweet. He complimented me a lot and held doors open when we weren't in public, away from any threats.

When we hung out, it was usually behind old buildings that no one went by. The building was called Shiver. It was an old restaurant that is now worn down and believed to be haunted, but I came back here everyday. I can promise you that there is nothing haunted about it.

"Thanks for accepting my apology." Scott says while we continue walking. It was almost two in the morning. Absolutely NO ONE was outside, so we didn't have any worries when walking around the outskirts of the courtyard.

"Thanks for apologizing to me." I say back. He smiles shyly at me. I smile back. He did have an awfully nice face. His eyes were a bright blue that fit his face perfectly. His smile was bright and never had any imperfections. He was stunning, but I had never put that much focus into it as I am now.

"I really like you, Mitch." He says. I didn't say anything, just kept my head down. "Like, you're just a really good person." Like I said, he was extremely sweet.

"Thank you." He nods. "That's really sweet." The courtyard was a lot more peaceful at night. The bright white color had dimmed due to the sun no longer being out. There wasn't the constant sound of people talking. It was a lot more enjoyable when you were breaking the rules.

I could feel our bodies gradually getting closer. We started pretty far away, but as the minutes go by, we saw ourselves taking steps closer to each other. The way our shoulders would bump occasionally or how our hands would hit, sometimes getting caught on each other's fingers. The little touches sent fire through me.

"Do you trust me?" He asks randomly. I turned my gaze towards him, our eyes locking in on each other's. He tilts his head slightly, motioning for me to answer, looking away after a moment.

"Why are you asking?" There wasn't really a reason to. I wanted to trust him, and I thought I trusted him. Why would I be here with him right now if I didn't trust him?

"Because you have a perfectly good reason not to. I'm asking because I want you to trust me." He says without looking at me. He shifts his gaze to something else shaped into the courtyard.

"I trust you." I say. "Probably to much." His lips tight into a firm line as he continues to avoid my gaze. "You're doing it again. You won't look at me."

"Don't take it personal." He whispers. "I don't like eye contact." I shake my head. I use my pointer finger to push his head towards mine, his stare finally reaching mine. I smile at him.

"There you are." I whisper. He looks away almost immediately. "Why don't you make eye contact with people?"

"I have different reasons for different people." He explains. "Some people I don't trust." I look over to him, some type of hurt look on my face. "Not you. You are a completely different reason."

"What is it?" I ask. Was he going to tell me or tease me? Honestly, I wouldn't be shocked with either one with this boy. He was a blank canvas.

"I'm afraid of doing something stupid." He says. "Something that we both will regret." I didn't know what that meant. I try to push his eyes back to mine, but my hand is grabbed with his.

I didn't know how I put myself, and him, into this position. But now, our fingers were interlocked, both hands. Our bodies facing each other, but he still wouldn't look me in the eyes. I was trying so hard, my forehead just inches away from being connected to his.

"Look at me." He shakes his head. "Scott. Show me you care. I won't regret anything if it's with you." He shakes his head again.

"I can't."

"Why? What is it? What would you do that you'd regret so much?" I ask. "Why is it so stupid?"

"It isn't stupid. It's just that I'd feel stupid for initiating something that shouldn't be initiated." He wasn't giving me the detail I needed. I had no idea what he was talking about, was I oblivious?

"What is it? What are you so scared of initiating?" I was getting frustrated and you could hear it in my voice.

"Of kissing you!" He yells. But in the yelling and the frustration, his eyes met mine. I find myself shaking my head and being the stupid one.

"Fine." I say. "Then you don't have to initiate it. I will." My lips were on his before he could answer. I thought he'd pull away, but he was kissing me back with the same amount of passion that I was kissing him with.

His hands find my waist, holding them and pulling me so close that our bodies were completely touching each other. I had no idea if I was good at this or not, I have never kissed anyone before.

The touch we were sharing was more than I had with anyone. Our mouths moving together and our bodies pressed together. My arms wrapped around his neck while my toes sit in their tips to help me reach. His hands sitting in my waist but occasionally running up and down my thigh.

I could feel so many different things, but none of the feelings told me to stop. I didn't want to stop. His lips were addicting, more addicting then his presence was. I couldn't get enough, and I felt like he felt the same for me, because he wasn't stopping either. If anything, he was leading this kiss. I simply had no experience and it was obvious that he did.

When we pull away, I had his full eye contact, more eye contact then I've had since we met. His arms still lay at my waist while mine sit at his neck. We were still in the same position, just our lips disconnected.

"Did you regret it?" I ask. He hesitates for a moment.


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