twenty four.

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2-3 chappies left.

"This is happening?" Kirstie asks, a smile on her face. We both wanted to leave. We talked to Kevin, he was going to help us. He thought it was a good idea. It would keep us both out of trouble. We was going to delete our record completely, like we weren't here in the first place. I had already said goodbye to my family. That was the hardest part about this whole thing.

I loved them and they loved me. I didn't want to leave them, only this society. I needed to do this. I needed to leave. I couldn't stay here any longer than I already had been. As soon as Scott told me, I had to go.

Oh shit. Scott.

There was no way I was telling him. He had already told me that he didn't want me to go. He didn't want me to get hurt, but he wasn't my guardian. Well, that's not true. He wasn't anymore. I couldn't bare to see his hurt face when I told him. I wasn't bringing it up.

Kirstie loved this idea. She said she was excited to go through with her promise, even if it was my idea of getting us out of here. I don't think I would've gone if Kirstie didn't go. I was only going with one person. Not Scott, not Esther, only Kirstie. This was the easiest thing. I was comfortable around Kirstie. I could be myself and we could talk about whatever we wanted.

"So here is how this is going to work." Kevin says, sitting down. Kirstie and I quickly follow. "There is an abandoned tunnel underground that isn't used anymore. It is still in perfect shape. No one guards it because it's practically unknown, but some silvers do know about it, like me. It is no where near any borders or walls that the silvers guard."

"Why is it abandoned?" Kirstie asks, a look full of curiosity spread throughout her face. She blinks a few times, her eyelashes fluttering.

"Because they're scared." He laughs humorously. "There used to be more guards, a higher rank than silvers. They were golds. The golds had to be on extremely good notes with Salik. They were sent through the tunnel and into the real world. Eventually, too many people became fascinated with the world, or died. Salik turned off the whole 'explore the outside' mission. The tunnel hasn't been entered in years. It's the perfect escape route."

"How do you know about this Kevin?" I ask.

"I have my ways." He smirks at us. "Let's go?" Kirstie and I look over to each other and smile. I nod, she nods afterwards. We grab our backpack full of food and water and head out, following closely behind Kevin. We made sure it was late, 4:00 in the morning. Less people would be out and it's harder for guards to see, plus they'd be tired on top of it.

Kevin leads us into a building we've been told to stay away from. It was empty, too late for anyone to be up. He still checked to make sure that it remained empty. We reach a door that says KEEP OUT in big and bold letters. How ironic, because that's the door we went through.

The stairs lasted forever. They were many turns. I was just confused on why we hadn't taken the elevator I saw at the very top. Maybe it was broken, or just too loud.

Kevin stops halfway down the stairs, telling us to take a break for a second. We were all breathing pretty heavily, but it wasn't too bad. I would need to get used to it. 

We start again, Kirstie and I having a bit of a rougher time than Kevin. He seemed to have no problem with the large amount steps needed to take. I felt bad for him, he was the one he needed to go back up afterwards.

The bottom of the stairs was kind of eerie. It was dark and the tunnel was small, but we could fit. Kevin went first with Kirstie and I quickly behind him.

It was a pretty long walk through the tunnel. I guessed it was because we needed to make it past each sanction of the borders and get far enough away from the walls to not be seen.

When we got to the end, I couldn't of been more excited. One step outside and I was free. We climb a ladder and Kevin opens a latch at the top.

"You sure you want to do this? We can still turn back." Kevin makes sure, I understand. He wouldn't want to make us do something we didn't want too.

"We are sure." I say after getting a nod from Kirstie. He climbs out, us quickly afterwards. My mouth dropped, Kirstie's too. It was gorgeous.

The grass was full and alive. There was dirt and rocks and bugs and color. It was breathtaking. The night sky seemed prettier too, but that might've been my imagination.

There were big trees, not fake ones. I could hear sounds of crickets and wolves howling. I saw birds and lakes. I felt like I couldn't move.

"Once I shut this, there is no coming back." Kevin says. We both nod. "See that forest?" Kevin points to it. We nod again. "About 50 miles in, there is a small town. They're very welcoming to escapees. They will give you a place to stay and a job to make living. Should be about 15 hours while walking. That should be enough food and water to last you. Try to take as little breaks as possible, but don't push it. You don't need to pass out."

I nod. I was listening, but still looking around as a large creature comes near. I froze. I didn't know what it was. Kevin pulls us back into the tunnel.

"That's a bear, guys. They can be viscous. Not all the time, but let's not risk it. Wait a little bit until it leaves."

Their were creatures that could hurt us. I shouldn't be shocked, but I am. I didn't mind it, though.

I wasn't going to let anything stop me from leaving.

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