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When I woke up, I ran. I didn't realize I had actually stayed the night in some place with a Different. What was I doing? It's like I was begging for someone to take me away. I was completely stupid. I didn't have an alarm either, so I woke up at a completely unusual time and didn't get to meet Kirstie at Drakes Den.

I hadn't seen her since last night. We always met up at Drakes Den at 8:30, but I had slept until 10:00. She had to of been worried sick and I couldn't blame her.

I was frantically wandering around the courtyard looking for her. I needed to apologize and tell her where I had disappeared too. She'll be so disappointed in me.

"Mitchell!" I hear. I turn around and see Kirstie angrily speed walking up to me. I braces myself for a lecture. "What the hell!" She whispers.

"I'm so sorry, Kirstin." She shakes her head.

"Where were you!"

"We shouldn't talk here."

"Of course we shouldn't. What did you do now?"

"Meet at Drakes Den in ten?"

"If you actually show up this time."

"I will. I'm sorry." Ten minutes has me enough time to change out of yesterday's clothing. I run back to my home, well, walk. But I walked pretty fast. You weren't supposed to be rushed as a Normal. Everything was planned out so you were always on time and nothing would go wrong.

I check the time. 7 minutes left. I open the door to my house and run straight to my room, ignoring my mother who had tried to speak to me. I strip of my clothes, open my closet, and change into a new set of white fabric.

4 minutes left.

I head back for the door. I had five minutes to get to Drakes Den. That was doable. I didn't even need to rush.

I walk the quickest route to Drakes Den, passing a bunch of Normals and some Differents. I made sure to avoid eye contact with them.

I take a quick peek before dashing behind a building no one really came near. That's where Drakes Den was hidden near it.

2 minutes. I had plenty of time.

"Mitchell." I hear someone whisper. I look around. I saw nobody. Who was saying my name? "To the right." I look to my right. In the corner of the building, Scott was standing. Of course. He puts a finger over his mouth, indicating to be quiet and points to a silver who was exiting the back of the building. I quickly run into a bush, trying to ignore the cuts from twigs and branches. I could hear Scott's snickers from my obvious failed attempt at trying to hide.

I hear footsteps walk near me. I shut my eyes, scared of looking up at a potential silver. But I just hear laughter. I look up and Scott is laughing uncontrollably above me. I scoff before getting myself out of the bush and brushing off the leaves and sticks.

I walk away from him. He follows.

"What do you want?" I snap, turning to him. He takes a step back, holding his hands up.


"Why are you always everywhere that I am? Do you follow me? Why don't you just leave me alone?"

"You didn't want me to leave you alone yesterday." I shake my head.

"Fuck off." I say and walk away.

"Normals don't cuss!" He yells to me. I hold my middle finger as I continue walking. Then I remember. I was supposed to meet Kirstie now three minutes ago.

I sprint up to the well hidden bunker and crawl inside. I see Kirstie waiting with a hand on her hip.

"I had to hide from a silver to get here. That's why I'm late. I promise."

"I don't care. I want an explanation." I sigh and sit down on the floor.

"Kirstie, I don't know if I should talk to you anymore." Kirstie's face freezes, her angry expression drops completely.


"I'm going to get you taken away. I've almost been caught so many times and without someone else's help, I would've been."



"Who on earth is Scott? Is he taking you from me? Let me talk to him, he thinks he can just take my best friend from me-"

"Kirstie! He isn't taking you from me. He doesn't even know how to say your name. It's nothing against you. He is a Different."

"Is he the Different?" I nod slowly. "I can't lose you for a boy."

"I'm not turning myself in or anything, I just don't want you to be marked a Different when I do."

"Mitch! You aren't a Different!" She pleads. "You can't be. Please say you're not." She was starting to cry. I wrap my arms around her and she falls into my embrace. "Please don't leave me."

"Okay." I whisper. "I won't. Forget I said any of that."

"Where were you?"

"I was with him." She sighs. "I'll get to the details later. Lets just lay down for a little bit." She nods and we collapse onto the cushion with each other.

"Do you love him?" She asks. I shake my head.

"I'm not a Gay." I say, trying to remind her but mainly reminding myself.

"Remember what Drake said. Stay true to yourself." I sigh. Drakes words were the answer to everything for us. "And please be true with me."

"I'm being true."

"No you aren't, Mitch."

"I'm not a Gay." I say. "I can't be a Gay. How am I supposed to live happily while pretending to be a Normal and pretending to not be a Gay?"

"I don't know." Kirstie says honestly. "Is he a Gay?"

"Is Scott?"


"I don't know. He hasn't told me." Kirstie nods.

"I think you'd know. How does he act with you?"

"Bipolar." Kirstie looked confused. "One day, he'd call me an idiot and tell me to stop talking to him, but then he'd save me from being caught and let me hug him-"

"You hugged him?"

"Ummm, yeah."


"And he hugged me another day when he found me crying. He carried me somewhere and then hugged me until I fell asleep." I explain. "That's why I want nothing to do with him anymore. He is too confusing and it's messing with my head. If I'm trying to convince myself that I'm not a Gay, then he needs to be far away from me."

"You can't convince yourself to be a Gay or not. I think you're just born with it."

"How do you know about this stuff?"

"I did some research about the other place you spoke of."

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