twenty two.

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"We kissed." I finally spit out. I watch Kirstie's mouth drop, a hand flying to her hip like usual. I knew she wasn't the person I should be telling, but I didn't know what to do. She knew Mitch better than anyone and I needed help.

"Wh-what?" She asks. I shrug my shoulders and look down. "You have got to be kidding me, Scott." I wish I was kidding, it would've made this whole talk a lot easier. I shake my head, trying to convince her that I was not kidding, not even in the slightest. "Why would you do that?"

"I didn't! I just helped out." I say. I didn't know if I should tell her that Mitch was the one who kissed me, but I figured it'd help. "He kissed me."

"I don't believe that. He wouldn't just randomly kiss you, Scott. Give me some type of background information." She snaps.

"He wanted to know why I wouldn't look him in the eyes." I say slowly, almost to the point of a whisper. "And I said its because I didn't want to initiate a kiss, because knowing my dumb self, I would. Then he'd said that he'd do it then. And next thing I know, he kissed me." I look back up at Kirstie. She wasn't looking at me, I knew why. She had a right not to. I probably wouldn't want to look at me either.

"I knew that was going to happen." She mutters while shaking her head and fidgeting with her fingers. "You two are going to get yourselves killed." I nod. She knew it better than we did. She was smarter than us.

"I know, Kirstie." I tell her. "I'm aware." She sighs and finally looks up at me. She had this weird look on her face, one I couldn't quite read. I didn't know what she was thinking. Her emotion wasn't visible.

"But Mitch doesn't." She whispers. "He's going to fall for you so quickly. Then he isn't going to be able to pick himself back up. You have to take care of him, Scott. This is me, Mitch's best friend, telling you that I don't care if any type of relationship forms between you guys, as long as you take care of him."

"Nothing is going to form. Knowing Mitch, he'll probably act like it never happened." She laughs humorously. I was confused and it was obvious, but she knew something I didn't.

"Knowing Mitch, he won't bring it up, but it will kill him on the inside. You don't know him at all." Kirstie snaps at me. "You open up to him. Don't lead him on, that's an asshole thing to do."

"According to you and Esther, I'm an asshole already . What are you trying to say?" She looked like she was going to explode. I knew I frustrated her.

"I'm saying to prove me wrong. Show me that you can be amazing to him and keep him safe." She says.

"Last time I tried to keep him safe, he never wanted to talk to me again. Why would I do that again? After all of that, this just seems stupid." I snap.

"You know what? Last time was my fault. You kept him safe because you were forced too. This time, you'd be keeping him safe because you care about him. If you don't care about him, I don't know why we are having this talk. As of right now, it seems like you just don't give a shit!"

"Kirstie, I do care about him!" She shakes her head and grabs the ladder to the Shack, crawling to the top and lingering around the latch.

"Then, like I said, fucking do something about it and show him. Don't confess your love for him to me. Tell the person who actually wants to hear it." She says before crawling out completely. I didn't get a chance to say anything before the latch was shut and I was left alone in here.

I groan in frustration, the groan lasting long and giving me a small pain in my throat. I cough afterwards and run a hand through my hair.

Kirstie gave me mixed feelings and emotions. First it was, 'keep my best friend safe!' Then it was, 'stay away from him', now we're back to 'keep him safe and show him you care'. I didn't know what she wanted from me to be quite honest.

I needed to go by my own opinion, not hers. Mitch and I have our own problems to deal with, I should've never told Kirstie. I don't know why I did. That was a bad idea and now she knows everything. I should've kept it to myself. God, I fuck everything up.

I didn't know what to feel. What I felt for Mitch was strong, even stronger after the kiss. His lips felt amazing, something that was completely unexpected. For not kissing anyone before, Mitch was damn good at it. Or maybe it was just because I liked him and wanted to feel his lips on mine. Maybe it wasn't the kiss at all, just the feelings of having Mitch so close to me.

No matter what it was, it still gave me weird and uncontrollable feelings towards Mitch that I had never felt before. He had a right to know, just like I had a right to know what he was feeling. So I guess I'll tell him and hope he feels or the same. If not, I'll need to get over it.

It'll be a long process, but it'll happen sooner or later. I got over Alex, I can get over Mitch. I may feel more towards Mitch, but it's doable. Anything is possible if you are determined. I wasn't determined now, but I would be by the time Mitch told me his feelings towards me.

I hope he doesn't like me. It makes it easier for him, and that's what I want. Everything is already hard for me, being a Different who likes a Normal. But Mitch, he could be perfectly fine without me. He was a Normal and it was going to stay that way as long as I had a help.

And no matter what, I am always going to help.

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