Ch 4 T-Talking W-Walking T-Turtles?!

388 11 3

3rd person

Lavina cowared up against the wall in fear. The guns aiming at her. She gulped.

" A-Are you guys really just gonna kill me for a picture?"

" No, that which as known as girl. You are that which as known as Lavina Woods. That which as known as Lavina Woods must come with Kranng."

" Umm, has anyone taught you any grammar lessons? 'Cause your language sucks!" She stated.

They got ready to fire when suddenly a katana filled through all of them. Lavina screamed in fear.

Until she saw that they were robots.

One by one the robots were dragged away from her. And sliced and diced in the shadows.

Lavina winced as her arm filled up with pain and was running down her arm.

Her vison started to get blurry, but all she could make last was four green blobs and a bunch of other colors.

Raphs prov

" Oh great! She passed out!" I sarcasticly said.

Donnie glared at me and checked her arm.

" Hmm, just passed out of shock, or blood loss..." Donnie stated.

" Soo, what do we do about her Don?" Leo stated.

" Oo oo oo!Can we keep her?! Pleeeaaasssseee?" Mikey begged.

I facepalmed "Sure, let's just being a random girl in our secret lair! Nothing sounds dangerous there!"

"For once, Raphs right." Leo stated, I smirked " It could have been a delusion."

Donnie narrowed his eyes " Yeah, she purposely got herself hurt to lure us here for NO. EXACT. REASON!!" He screamed at the end.

Me and Leo took a step back while Mikey kept poking the girl.

Leo sighed " Fine, we'll bring her back and if she tells a soul about us -"

" She'll get in trouble, blah blah blah, stuff like that." I stated.

Donnie smiled and carried the girl on his shell. Some of his bandages missing from his bõ staff. And wrapped around the girls arm.

" Come on, let's head back."

We all nodded and headed back home

A few hours later

Lavinas prov

I groaned as I sat up from a couch, wait, COUCH?!

I fell out and found myself on a tone of Comic books, there was also a turtle with a blue mask sleeping on a bean bag chair in front of the comic books.

I bit my tounge to pull back a scream that urging through my throat.

A sharp pain went through my arm and I grabbed it, but saw that it was wrapped in bandages, slightly pink.

I tip-toed across the bean bag chair and studied the turtle closely.

He looked about 5' 4" and has a blue mask with two katanas stapped on his bac- shell. A little bit of drool was hanging from his mouth and he has the remote in his lap, the TV was left on and it was playing the latest SpaceHeros! Ahh!

I sat in front of the TV for a little bit till I got bored and got up to explore.

I saw the exit straight in front of me. I felt the urge to run out to freedom. But, a sound interrupted me.

I followed the path that had two doors on one side and the other had two towels hanging from the ceiling. I went to the towel door room.

I came inside and saw another turtle!

The 'kitchen' was a mess it had mozzarella and cheese all over. Was he trying to make a pizza?! Mmmm, pizza.

I landed my eyes on the turtle.

The turtle looked about 4' 11" and had a orange mask, he had a ton of freckles and had two nunchucks, he looked like he just felt into a deep slumper.

Again, urge to scream!

I backed away, Oh please don't let me see another-

Wait, never mind.

I saw another turtle on the couch, how did I not notice that?!

The turtle looked 5' 3" and wore a red mask that was slightly tattered. He had a frown on his face and seemed to have sais as his weapon.

I paniced and quietly ran to the big metal doors that were slightly open. I turned around and saw I was in a lab.

There was yet ANOTHER turtle in that strange lab.

He had a hand on his head and was asleep he also had a cup of, ethier hot chocolate (Yum!) Or coffee (Bleh...) Feeling my throat dry I tip toed to the weird substance.

When I got to it, I got to study the turtle more.

This turtle looked like it was 5' 9" and had a gap that he was whistling out of. He was wearing a purple mask and was carrying a bõ staff.

I took the strange substance and took a zip and gagged. It was Coffee!

The turtle twitched a bit. My eyes for wide and I ran out of there, while dropping the cup, which made a loud 'clank' echo through the whole lair!

I gulped as the two turtles woke up, looking where I was sleeping and looked at each other worringly. I was hiding under a table, which I thought had a fake flower, but-


I sneezed softly. Hopefully no one heard me.

They didn't, Violet and Orangie came out and joined Blue and Red.

They all started chatting, mostly about me. But I didn't really listen, pollen was everywhere and I'm trying not to get an allergic reaction!

Then they split up.

Blue stayed here, Red went to this so-called dojo, Violet went to check his lab and 'bedrooms' and Orange went to check the kitchen.

When I was sure Blue was out of my sight I sneezed and closed my eyes, dang pollen make me tired! Oh, did I also mention that I have an allergy to pollen?!

I opened them again and was met by a green face with a blue mask and dark blue eyes staring at me.

And I screamed.

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