The End (do you wanna sequel?)

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Dear Journal,

I am writing this as we are on our way to freedom. My new eldest brother, Leonardo, was badly injured protecting me. My father is.....gone. My sister's and Mom are luckily in Colorado with this 'Kevin' person that Moms dating.

My friends are most likely mindless monsters, besides Vee of course....

My brothers are asleep, Casey is driving (What a coincidence...) April always looks back at Leo and us. And Venus, she is by me, trying not to look sad that her own fathers master almost killed someone in her own species.

Meanwhile with me, Lavina Hamato.

I am getting used to this new form and magics, I have telekinesis and water (which can help me to calm down Raphie) and hopefully more powers to come. I have bandages in my head, shell and arm. Which are NOT fun....

I am doing this with my non-sprained hand, left (which I'm actually glad it wasn't my writing hand!) since it got sprained by those stupid foot soilders!

When I see Shredder, or any foot member, I won't let them leave alive....

After all, I am a ninja in training....

This is Lavi Hamato, signing off....

~Lavina Hamato

I closed my journal and sighed as I saw Venus with sad eyes at Leo, who was breathing ever so slightly.

Raph was holding Mikey in his arms, both asleep.

Donnie, in the corner, staring at Leo with a look that said It should've been me.

April, now looking at me, smiling sadly and turning back to Casey.

Casey kept his eyes on the road, trying not to cry because of his family.

And me, I put my journal aside and wiped my tear-stained face and looked at my wrapped up arm. My braid in my mask was loose, so now it was just loose ends. My tessons were by my side, untouched, but covered in some dried up blood. And my shell was knocked loose and sore.

I looked out the window, seeing the sunrise and trees moved quickly past me.

I yawned and leaned on Venuses shoulder and fell asleep.

A/N: End of Book!

Hey everyone, KitKat here with something that I want to say.

Do you want a sequel? I mean, maybe you don't because I suck at writing, or maybe you do, to see what happens.... so here's how it goes.

If you want a sequel, comment here.

If you don't want a sequel, comment here.

If you don't know, or half-half, comment here.

That is all.

And please, have a nice day (Captin Mozar reference :-P)


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