Ch 10 Her background

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Lavinas prov

I carried a pitcher of tea into the dojo, where Venus and Sensai were sitting down.

After Mikey called, the guys came rushing over, they questioned me, but in the end, I forced them to bring Venus back with us.

I set the tea down and poured some into each cup.

" Mei Peh Chi is your name?" Splinter asked.

She nodded " My mother was Japanese, she named me, and my brother, after Japanese warriors and magic users."

I glared at her " Why don't you tell me the whole thing."

She looked confused " Huh?"

I looked sad for a minute, but then turned angry again. " You know what I mean! You knew I was a Hamato!"

She looked shocked, but admitted defeat " Yes, my father's master, Shredder, knew about you being a Hamato, he wanted you to let me trust you so much, that soon you would join the Foot."

I looked sad " That's why you were my friend! Not for kindness and friendship, only trust then betrayal!" I screamed, angrily and sadly.

She sobbed " Only at first! I learned my lesson, I swear!"

I glared at her " Then tell me...."

She looked up, tears down her face " W-What?"

" Tell me the whole story." I demanded.

She sighed, and obeyed. " I was born fifteen years ago, my Mom, Amoly, my father, Baxter and my brother, Samu were happy. But, before The Shredder worked alone, after I was born, it was being your kid to work day. Shredder agreed to it this once, and I was just learning to crawl. While my dad wasn't looking, Shredder picked up a strange ooze and poured it on me!"

I gasped and she nodded, Splinter gave her a look to continue.

" The ooze was a white colored, or very light grey. When it poured, I turned into this. Shredder trained me to be a deadly assaign. But dad only agreed if I could have a device that could turn me human. So, scientists made this watch and I had the ability to become human. When you moved back to New York, Shredder found out about you and told me to befriend you. At first, I just thought that it meant for honor, and to find Hamato Yoshi. But, after awhile, I had a true friend. I told Shredder lies and told about how you would always be busy."

I nodded " I would always ask to come to your lab, but you would always tell me no."

She smiled at the memory and continued. " Soon, about a week ago, Shredder kidnapped me after I quit the Foot to be with my family and friends. I was forced to stay with Karai everywhere I go. And, that leads me to now."

I held my chin in thought " It doesn't make since...."

Venus looked confused " Huh?"

I sighed " I mean, how were you mutated into a turtle by a white ooze! That could only happen with mutagen! Right?!"

She giggled " Lavi, that ooze also held the spirit of DeMilo!"

" Who?"

" An ancient Japanese warrior that controls fire. Watch..."

She held out her hand and concentrated, soon, a small flame enlighted in her hand and I stepped back in Shock, while Splinter looked amused.

" I control Fire, there also Junko, who controls water and Wind." Venus said as the fire dimmed out.

" Then, where's the Junko spirit?" I asked.

" In my father's lab. He still needs a test subject, but not my brother...."

I smirked " Because he'll just go cray-cray."

Venus laughed " Exactly."

I smiled and ran over to hug her.

She hugged me back and I sighed.

" I'm sorry I yelled at you." I said.

" I'm sorry I lied to you." Venus said.

We pulled away and my ears perked up as I heard whispering. Splinter nodded.

I stomped over and opened the dojo doors and my brothers fell to the ground into a pile.

I sighed, annoyed " Really guys?!"

They laughed nervously and got up.

I smiled " You can get away this once."

Venus walked over and looked at the turtles " I am so sorry if I caused any problems."

Leo smiled " Apology accepted."

Venus smiled and they all stepped out, leaving me and Splinter alone.

He put a hand on my shoulder.

" Good choice." He stated.

I smiled and walked out of the dojo and into the Living Room.

" New adventures, here we come." I mumbled as I walked to the tire swing to continue my book.


Okay, you guys are probably wondering what Lavinas past is like, now, to save time, I'll write her whole past for you;) just kidding! Just mostly the important stuff, Here we go:

After Julia and John took her home, they raised her until they got a necklace from Hamato Yoshi to save for when she goes to search for 'them'

Eight years went by and Lavina became a big sister to Marionette and Jeanette. Or May and Jay.

When Lavi turned Nine, she and her father were going to do a 'daddy daughter vacation', but there plane was hacked and crashed into the twin towers, Lavi survived, Her father did not.

Lavi went back to her Mom and sisters and they all moved to Nebraska for better living.

When Lavi turned twelve, they moved back to New York and she met Venus, Avery, Kelly and Taylor.

Lavi was grieving over her father's death and would visit the Twin Towers destruction sight, by her fathers name, declaring vengeance.

By the time Lavi turned thirteen, Julia started dating someone and the twins couldn't be more excited to have a new father (of us was gonna be there father) and Lavi was fine with it, but would never forget her father who died protecting her.

When Lavi turned fifteen, she and her friends created a hand called G Girl 5. There group name..... and she has found out she was adopted and found her brothers and father.

They are now going against the Poppy pups (Jessies band) but Taylor betrayed her friends, letting them loose there group.

Then, Lavi found out about Venus, which leads us to now.....

How was that? Good? bad? And, yeeeaaaahhh, I did the 9/11 part to honor the people who died that day.

Don't judge

Anyways, byee~


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