Ch 13 The last of Lavina Woods

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Lavinas prov

My body was suddenly filled with intense pain. My brothers screaming, Shredder laughing.

I felt my clothes rip and my glasses fall off, I was growing into something!

I felt everyone staring at me, I felt every breeze and I felt as if I was swimming in the strange red ooze,

I felt myself off the florr and I was, flying?! What the?!

" Oruko Saki!" My voice said, but it sound more like a grown woman. I was just a child.

" You have been a disgrace for years, dishonoring ninjitsu! And for that, you shall pay!" It said.

It was a spirt, that's for sure, and it came out of the glass container and was carrying me.

She used some sort of power and the glass cracked, and she made a strong breeze, knocking Shredder down too. All of the Foot fell, and the glass came up again!

She suddenly embedded into me and I felt more pain.

I felt something heavy on my back, and felt my fingers and toes were numb.

I saw black dots surround my vision and saw my brothers coming to me, picking me up, and racing out of the evil lair.

We landed on a rooftop, and i was able to focus.

Leo looked worried, Raph was shocked, Donnie looked like he didn't know what to do. And Mikey, he looked like he was about to cry.

The hours were getting heavy, there heads shot up and yelled.

" DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES!!!!!" They screamed, but I already was in total darkness.

A few hours later, at the lair

I groaned as I slowly got up- or tried to anyways....

I was suddenly pulled back down by a sudden heavy weight on my back!

I rubbed my foarhead and saw that my skin was green, and I only had three fingers!

I ignored it and looked around and saw I was in the lab. Donnies face was hidden by his laptop.

" Donnie?" I asked, my voice raspy.

He looked away from his laptop, and to me. His face lit up and he smiled.

" Hey Lavi.." he said in a soft, comforting voice.

" W-What happened?" I asked, voice still sore.

Donnie brought over some Hot Coca and I happily drank some, staring at my hands and toes the whole time.

" W-What happened Donnie?" I asked.

He sighed and slowly pulled me off the table and into a standing postition.

We walked over to a big mirror and I gasped.

I was not my human self.

In fact, I was a giant mutant turtle!

My hair was now gone, but I had the silky feeling of my hair on top of my head. But, no hair. My eyes were blue, like, pool water blue, then it would turn back to my regular brown eye color. I had a plastron and a shell, on my plastron, I saw a line of scars, which was probably from that wound. I looked an inch taller and....

Wait, where were my glasses.

I could see fine now! Not blurry at all!

Donnie must've noticed because he started to explain " After the mutagen fell on you, your glasses fell, making the ability for you to see clearly, like Stinkmen when he got mutated."

I nodded and say down and rubbed my head with my new three fingers.

He sighed " Mind if I send the others in?"

I nodded and he left the lab for minute until two blondies came rushing in and hugging me so tight.

" LAVI!!!!!" May yelled in joy, as she was screaming so tight, my head felt like it was gonna pop off.


I chuckled and rubbed there heads and hugged them back.

" Heh, sorry for worrying you guys." I said.

They looked at me and smiled.

" Lavi?" My Moms wonderful voice said.

I looked at her, her light blue eyes were darkened and her blonde hair was a mess, she had new clothes on. Which was good.

" Hi Mom." I said.

She joined in the hug and soon all three of them let go and smiled at me as I took a deep breath, who knew May could squeeze so tight!

" So, where are my-"

" LAVI!!!!!!" Three voices screamed.

" Ghaa!" I yelled as I was in a big hug by Leo, Mikey, Donnie and..... Raph?

They all pulled away and Father came in and smiled at me. I smiled back and tried to stand up.

" Whoa Lavi. You just had a big experience. Your mind needs rest." He said.

I shook my head and got up and did a weak step, and then another, stronger each time.

I soon ran to Splinter with open arms and he gradually hugged back.

" You still look beautiful in my eyes." Splinter mumbled.

I smiled and felt my arms feel tingly.

" Whoa!" I heard Raphs voice say.

I turned around and saw my brothers in the air, along with my Mom and Sisters. Only me and Sensai were in the ground.

" WHAT THE?!" Jay yelled.

" WOO HOO!!!!!" May yelled in glee.

I saw that my two of my main finger were together and up in the air.

I moved my arm down with my other one. Causing them to fall with an 'Oomf!'

Suddenly water flung around everywhere and it was coming out of my arm that I lowered!

I put both of my hands to myself, and Venus came in.

She looked happy to see me, but then she turned to look at my bros (and twins, and Mom!) And she frowned.

" What happened?"

" Lavis got some freaking powers dudette!" Mikey said. I glared at him and he stuck his tounge out.

Venuses eyes widened and she looked at me " Like what?"

I shrugged, still freaked out " I guess.... telekinesis and water?"

She sighed and walked over to me " Lavina....

You are a Shinobi."

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