controle and revenge

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Gracie pov

I sharing with abbie, Lilly and Polly as well as Chloe a quiet girl from year 11. Each dorm had 5 people in and there was only 20-30 people in each year.

I was getting ready for bed when Dominic came in. "What are you doing in here!" I snapped. "That's no way to speak to my boyfriend !" Lilly snapped. "Course the little shit woukd be yiyr 'perfect boyfriend" I Spat. "Atleast I can walk" she spat back. "Wow. Going a bit judemental with them crappy comebacks" I replyed as I shuffled onto my bed using my banana board wich was a device to help me on the bed as I had compleatly no strength in my legs. Most people woukd of probably just let everyone else do things but that wasn't my styles.

Dominic pov
I had gone to sleep when Gracie started screaming out things. Things she'd of wished she'd of kept quiet. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and started recording.

Gracie pov

It was the morning and after shoving on the world's ugliest uniform as I now called it, I combed though my hair griping it to the side.

"How do you even get away with purple hair"Polly scoffed. She did not go there. "Why wouldn't i. Do i look like the type of person to fake suck up to teachers like you all seam todo" I Spat. "I'll get Dominic on you." Lilly argued back. "Oooh I'm scaird!" I said sarcastically. "You should be"she replyed . "Sorry but who was asking you?" I snapped and she didn't awnserd. "That's what I thought" I Spat wheeling out.

It was just after breakfast and we had an earlie morning break before lessons and I was sat drawing. Drawing was the only thing that keeper me from going compleatly insain. I'd alwase loved drawing. Just like mum.

No Gracie don't think of that. Don't think of that. Don't think of that.

"Oi gracie" a deep voice called. "What" I Spat spinning around. "Look at this" Dominic said passing me his phone snd ear phones. As i listened anger flowed though my vains. "Your recorded my nightmair" I Spat. "So I suggest you do what I say" he said and i laughed getting my laptop out of my bag.

We were allowed to have them with us to do 'course work and stuff'. Yer right.

"See yesterday. I took I upon my interest to hack into everyone's phone records and school records. Yours were very interesting" I said showing him. "I'll tell a teacher" he said in a desperate manor. "Go grass. I can hide these to make it look like they were never on it. So morale of the story. Despite my noghtmairs I'm still in controle so don't black mail me" I Spat wheeling off.

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