bring it on

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Gracie pov

It was nightime prays like every night. At 8 o'clock we all would go into our year Chappell and sit there for half an hour. I sat picking at the curans as everyone else was Bent over in praying.

The currents were green coupler and all frayed so I sat pulling out all the bits. I'm sure I could find an analgy for my life somewhere there.

"Gracie" my English teacher wisperd in my ear as I looked up. "Can i have a quick word with you outside?" She asked as I sighed making sure to acsidently -on-purpose bump into everything.

"I heard what happened. With you nealy getting kicked remind me alot if my self and i want to help you get the most out of boarding school" she told me. "I don't need help. I don't need anyone" I snapped. "Well the offers there." She replyed. "And between you and me the head gose a bit loopy about them curtains" she joked making a smile waver over my face.

"I'll keep your offer in mind" I told her."I'm alwase here if you want to talk about anything"she said as i nodded going back in.

***later on***

I looked over at the clock for the 5th time. 04.40. I'd been looking through poll's records since 2. It would of been earlier bit the girls desided to have a "slumber party" - perfetic. I missed parties but not in the childish way. In the lets get drunk and forget everything way. But that was all in the past cus no one wanted to wake up beside the lame girl. Espesialy not him.

No Gracie don't think of him. Don't think of him. Don't think of him.

Then it hit me like a truck as cheesy as it sounded. Maby there wasn't secret in the file but there was still things she could use to my advantage. How had I not realised this before.

***next day***

I sat at the breakfast table having to phisicaly hold my eyes open. 1 houers sleep. That was it. But it was worth it. Every muinit if it.

As soon as first break went I went inti the forest part of the school that you wernt really meant into. I knew exactly what I was looking for and where to find it. My aunty used to try and get me into all kinds if things, I never thought I'd be greatful of her getting me into nature.

Soon enough I found the river and using my skills it was easy to find a frog, I just had to dig slightly as it was cold and they would be underground. Scooping it up with my hands I placed it carfuly in a special container with air holes that i had got from some nature thing she'd dragged me to the once.

I then went back up to the dorm. Every break without fail she would come up here at one point to "adjust her make up"-it was shit anyway. Not that mine was any better but that's beside the point. I waited by the window till I saw her come in.

I quickly shoved the frog on her pillow giving it some grass to feed on so it wouldn't move and made my way to the lift wich was the opposite way to the stairs and was a lone coridore so i wouldnt get caught.

Within muinits there was a pearsing scream wich ever one heared as she chucked the frog out of the window by its kegs as it landed on Dominic and she started throwing out all the things it had touched screaming "I hate frogs". I mean I'd read in her files her phobia was almost psychopathic but I hadn't expected this !

She stayed upstairs for the ready if the night. And when we sent to bed I made sure I was first so I could talk to her. "Wondeing who put a frog in your bed?" I asked. "It was you!" She snapped. "You tryed to get me thrown out. Are we quits now?" I asked. "In your dreams" she argued. "Bring it on" I hissed.

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