Gracie pov

It was my first lesson of the day wich was English. Never realy liked any lessons appart from computer science and art. As I wheeled into English some one pushed me into the door post. I knew it was him. "Oi Dominic!" I spat. "I didn't do nothing" he awnserd. "So you calling me a lier" I snapped wheeling up to him. "Grow up" he snapped walking off from me.

"Er dint walk away from me you fucking cu- "GRACIE!" The teacher shouted. "Go outside now!" She snapped. "One I'm already outside and to its dominics fault." I spat. "Well both of you STAY outside" she snapped as everyone walked in.

"Why did you grass on me u little snitch" Dominic spat. "Do you want your secrets spreading" I growled. "It was a joke. Was your humour taken aswell as your ability to walk in that car crash" he said as my eyes bulged out if there sockets in shock.

"" "o come on you were screaming "mum stop the car" it didn't take a genius!. And It was just a joke. I'm sorry I didn't know you lost your sence of humour" he replyed. "Well i did. So don't do it again or I WILL spread your secrets" I told him and he nodded as the teacher came out.

"Look it was my fault. And me and Gracie have made up now" he told the teacher. "Well ok. If its all sorted you can both come in" she told us as Dominic walked in and she stoped me. "First impressions don't matter to me. That's make a good second impression yer" she said as i sighed wheeling in.

The rest of the day was a lot less eventful but there was one thing I still didn't understand. Why had he put the blame on his self. No one ever did that. Normally I got blamed for everything even things that wernt me. So what was diffrent about this.

Right now I was sat at the local park smoking. It was after school houers so I was out of my school rags and was whering my thick red tartan jumper, black jeans, my leather coat and my dock Martin's.

As it was after school we were aloude out. I was meant to go with someone but hadn't. As i was smoming i was trying not to think off everything. It was the only way to stop the memborys from strangling all my other thoughts. It calmed me down. Made me able to think strait. I knew it was wrong. It was going to kill me, I knew that. But in my oppinion what did I have to live for. Nothing.

"Why you smoking ?" Polly asked. "Why not" I spat. "It kill you" she replyed. "Good" I snapped. "I'll grass" she spat standing in front of me. She may of been taller then me but that was only because of my wheelchair, she was atchaly very small. "Is that meant to scair me" I mocked. "Well it be you who gets kicked out" she argues back. "Trust me. You tell a sole and your regret it" I snapped as she walked off. "Ooo I'm scaired" she said in a mocking tone. "You should be" I snapped back.

This wasn't just about the smoking. I coukd tell that. How she'd tryed to intimidate me-this was about my wheelchair. This was war.

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