Wave (Part 9)

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You got A gut wrenching feeling after that. They sent you back to your barracks by horse and under watch by A Corporal. He nodded for you to get off the horse not speaking. You Jumped from The horses back and walked to the Barrack.

"I Just realized I broke into A Armory"

You said to your self wondering how they didn't catch that. You laughed it off and got closer and closer.

"Hey. Aren't you that kid that thinks he's all that. Dropping people like flies. Your lucky And you Got Mikasa following you like a lost puppy."

You Sighed tired of Fighting and turned. If course it was Jean. He's obsessed with Mikasa.

You rolled your eyes and replied.

" If you wanna fight let's just get it over with."

"Oh No. No fighting for me. Especially not you. Your a LOT Too much for me."

"But We're Having a Little get together, The whole Trainee Corps."
He smirked while saying this.

"I'll Join Your guys. You'd better head back before A Titan catches ya." you said.

"Haha. Very Funny.
He said going to the main Cabin.

You followed and entered the cabin. Some people cheered when you entered most Just smiled. You walked to the table where Your Favorite 3 people were located.They were distracted and you took advantage.
Sitting down a table away. Almost Instantly Eren And Jean got into a argument. You watched it out. You listened to them exchange hurtful words. They both stood up. And walked towards each other. Jean Grabbed Erens shirt and Mikasa Almost instantly stood. You sighed a little acting before her. You walked towards to little quarrel and Grabbed jean by his shirt. Turning him around. Eren Scooted himself away. You lifted Jean Up by that one hand and fully extended your arm. Holding him up to the wall. He squirmed but you didn't let up.

"My friends Receive enough Physical Abuse from me." You said Smirking.

Eren Gave a long ass speech which was about hope and surviving and blah blah blah. You didn't listen.

You showed a little mercy and Let jean down Unharmed. He stubbornly adjusted His collar. Stomping away you realized you could have been a little gentler.

"Mikasa. Could you calm Him down a little? He seems to have a crush on you." You said.

"Alright." She said with her straight face. She turned towards the way Jean went and then turned back to you Face looking flushed. But quickly turned back when you smiled at her.

She took the job and went to talk to him. You turned around to Marco a very curious boy.

"I wanna see your" Special Ability". "

"Who told?" you asked.

"You just did." he said laughing.

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