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*Elizabeth's p.o.v*
"Kam I'm going to fucking puke!" I yell as I set my bags on the counter. Kam looked at me from the couch.
"why?" she asked as I made my way towards her, setting my head on her lap.
"guess who I saw at the store?" I said, drawing a shaky breath. She thought for a minute.
"Dale?" she asked. I scoffed and nodded.
"well duh, but I saw Denis." I quickly rolled off her and got a cigarette out of the pack, inhaling the poison inside my lungs. I heard Kamryn mutter some swear words.
"did he remember you?" she asked, clearly worried. I shook my head.
"no, I think the tattoos and practically everything threw him off. But he said I reminded him of someone. I never wanted to see that as hole. I have finally got him out of my head and all of a sudden he shows up. Can I get drunk now?" I asked taking all the bottles out of the sack. She nodded.
"yea, but how did you get all of that? Isn't there a limit? " she asked.
" yea," I said "but after Denis tried to hook up with me he helped me get all of this."
" well at least he isn't that bad. Will Caleb come over then?" she asked me. I shrugged.
"I think I might just go party later, or just be with Dale. Caleb hot weird last time I was with him. He wanted to make out when I was actually sober, like what the hell?" Kam chuckles at me as she helped me put the alcohol in the freezer. Kam is completely okay with my set up I have. She is just concerned for me about all the drinking, says I have a problem. Which I don't. I just can't feel affectionate towards guys when I'm sober, I just get so scared, thinking they're going to do what Denis did. So I have built up a guard around me called booze, and boy is it great.

*Denis' p.o.v*
As I drove back to Ben's house that girl swirled around my head. She seemed so familiar, yet so distant and distorted, like as if I'm looking at her through rippling water. It brings a painful memory to my head, one that I make myself forget multiple times. I groan in frustration and honked my horn, not caring if anyone thought I was completely mad. I quickly made my way to Ben's house and let myself inside, his dog ran to to door and started Barking.
"oh, shut it." I said as I made my way to the kitchen with my sack, I quickly put the meat for the grill out tonight in the fridge and looked for my bottle of alcohol but it was gone. I sighed, that girl probably thought it was hers also. Soon enough Ben came in looking for the alcohol.
"hey you fucking wanker, you forgot the only thing I asked you to get" Ben chuckled.
"no, some girl took it out of my sack thinking it was hers." I said, shaking my head. Ben looked at me oddly.
"why?" he asked.
"because she surpassed the limit of alcohol so I acted like some of them were mine." I said, he smirked and playfully punched my arm.
"ooh, damn. A drinker, my kind of girl. Was she fit?" he asked me wiggling his brows.
"ooh yea she was. I tried getting at her but she completely bugged me off saying the excuse of 'oh my room mate doesn't like people and blah' and then literally right in front of me she told the cashier guy that when she gets drunk she'll invite him over. Such Bull!" I said, Ben held up his hand and took a step back.
"woah Tiger, maybe she doesn't like foreign guys." he chuckled. I rolled my eyes and laughed.
"well I'm going to go back to get more. Bye" I said as I ran back out to the car and drove to the store. When I walked back in that man that was there earlier, he smiled and waved, which I did back. Wow these people here really don't listen to rock much, no one I've seen so far knows me. I thought to myself as I went to get some alcohol. When I made my way back the man eyed me.
"didn't you already get some earlier?" get asked, figuring whether or not to give it to me.
"um yea, but that girl earlier took all my stuff, even the one meant for me so." the man chuckled and shook his head.
"that's Lizzy for you. She's kind of ditzy when it comes to alcohol as you can tell, always trying to get her hands on it." he said scanning my item. "do you need a sack?" he asked me. I shook my head.
"so, her name's Lizzy?" I asked, interested.
"yea, short for Isabelle or something. But if you're looking to date her or anything I wouldn't bother, she will laugh and slam the door in your face so fast you'll probably have whiplash" he said. Before I was able to reply he looked at the door.
"well speak of the devil" he said as the door opened.
"babe!" she yelled as she stumbled her way to the man. When she saw me she straightened up and averted her eyes.
"yea?" the man chuckled as he held her by her hips. Something erupted inside me but I kept it down.
"I'm buzzed, can you find someone to cover for you?" she whisper-yelled into his ear, making him cringe.
"who drove you?" get asked.
"well Caleb did but if you can't find a shift I'll stay with cal-" she trailed off as she looked out the windows to see the car that picked her up was now already up the hill. I looked back at her to see her biting her lip and looking at me.
"I'm sorry, I had to fill this shift because no one else could" he said frowning. She groaned.
"so you're telling me, Dale" she slurred. "that I wasted these shots for nothing?" she pouted. I quickly had to look away, couldn't bare to see a beautiful woman like her giving herself off to any guy that was willing. When I looked up they were both looking at me.
"huh?" I asked, confused. Liz giggled and bit her lip, looking me up and down.
"would you mind taking me home? I uh- lost my ride." she said in a smooth voice, winking. I bit my lip and nodded.
"y-yea -cough- I could do that." I said as I grabbed my bottle and led her to my car.
"bye Dale" she said as she stumbled out of the store. I quickly helped her into my car and made my way into the drivers side and started to drive off.
"where do you live?" I asked after she hooked up her phone to my aux and put on Lana Del Ray, Dark Paradise. She quickly slurred me the directions and rolled down the window.
"can I have a drink of your alcohol? I really thirsty." she said. I looked at her to see her staring at me, biting her finger. I swallowed hard and nodded.
"mmm thank you." she giggled as she took two gulps of the rum, she closed it and set it in the back seat.
"damn, you know how to drink." I chuckled. She looked at me and rolled her eyes.
"yea, I started young." she murmured. After a moment of comfortable silence I felt a hand squeeze my upper thigh, causing me to jump.
"scared ya, huh?" she giggled drunkenly, moving her hand upwards.
"yea." I chuckled, reaching down to move her hand away.
"oh come on, you were trying to get with me before!" she scoffed. I sighed, she sounds so familiar.
"yea, you totally blew me off with some lame excuse, I am not going to take advantage if I know that if you're sober you'd want nothing to do with me." I said, turning up a steep hill to her house, she let out a childlike huff and folded her arms . "is this it?" I asked her, pointing to the blue house, with some weird indie statue in the yard that is made up of rock, cacti and some little scrubs.
"yea, looks weird and boring on the outside but it's very chill on the inside, very indie slash hippy like." she chuckled as she undid her seat belt and stumbled out if the car, grabbing her phone on the way out.
"bye Denis." she slurred, as she was about to close the car I stopped her by speaking.
"how do you know my name?" I asked her.
"I knew you since you played in Make me Famous" she said, he facial expression changed to something dark and mysterious.
"didn't think anyone would notice me." I chuckled. She smiled small at me.
"you're kinda hard to miss." she whispered, her voice cracked a bit. She started to stumble away from the car. I waved at her.
"bye, Lizzy. I hope we meet again soon." I called out to her, winking. She laughed and flipped me off as she stumbled onto the porch. Someone quickly came out of the house and carried her inside, as if they were expecting it. I chuckled to myself and I made my way down the hill and back to Ben's house, with the thought of that drunken mess on my mind.

Mangled // Denis Stoff (Sequel To Mistakes // Denis Stoff)Where stories live. Discover now