S i x t e e n

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(that's my fat baby, his name is Crow and he has a cute little jacket for the winter.)
*Elizabeth's p.o.v *
As Andy pulled up I felt Kamryn shift from under me. This is the longest they haven't seen each other. I removed my head from her shoulder as she made her way to her love. The smiled and embraced each other, whispering things into each other's ear. I looked at my feet, at my red toe nails. Whenever they do this I feel awkward, like I need to devote my attention to someone near me to get this feeling to go away. I told them I'm going inside, as I almost got in Andy yelled.
"happy birthday girl! Don't sell your shoes this time!" he smiled and I laughed making my way inside, where the vibrant music made me want to sway my feet. I slowly made my way around the bar, greeting everyone with a smile and a touch on the shoulder. The loud music made it hard to hear what they all said, so I just nodded and made my way along.
"there she is!" a voice yelled out from behind me, I turned myself around to see one of my best friends, Alex Kohler. I let out a slight scream and hopped my way to him, wrapping him in a giant hug.
"hey you fucker! I missed you!" I yelled over the loud music. He smiled and laughed.
"I missed you too! How come you never come and party anymore!" he asked.
"I don't have enough free time to come to visit anymore" I said, pouting. He led us to a booth, near a tinted window, overlooking the bright lights of Las Vegas.
"oh yea, you model full time now, right?" he asked me. I smiled and nodded.
"yea, it's crazy. Never thought it would actually happen, but it did and it's great." I smiled. He high fived me.
"I'm glad you found your calling." he said, before I could reply, Denis appeared through the fog of people, making me smile at him, which he returned.
"oh sorry, was I interrupting?" he asked, his accent making me flutter.
"nah, you're good, Denis, right?" Alex asked him, shaking his hand.
"yea." he laughed, sitting next to me, lightly draping his arm around me, taking a drink of the dark liquid inside his glass. Alex notices and smiles.
"are you guys like?" he asked. We knew what he meant and started yelling no at him, multiple times. He put up his hands in defeat.
"my bad" he chuckled.
We all were talking, until Alex's drink ran dry.
"sorry my dudes but I need to get more alcohol. Happy Birthday, lizzybug." he said, standing up and hugged me while I was still in the booth. He kissed my forehead and waved as he went into the mass of people.
"he seems cool." Denis said, looking at me. I smiled and nodded.
"he's awesome. Now, let's get some drinks." I told him, scooting him out of the booth, and leading him to the bar.
"hey," the bartender said, cleaning a glass. "what can I get you?" he asked us. I looked at Denis and asked what he would fancy drinking.
"how about fireball?" he asked, I  smiled and looked to the bartender.
"six shots of fireball." I said, handing him my card. Denis laughed and switched mine for him. Before I could retort, the man took it and swiped it, making Denis type in numbers. After that was over he made us the shots, Denis looked at each other and smiled. I took a shot and brought it to my lips.
"you ready?" I asked him. He smiled and nodded. We both took the first shot, the the second, then the third. Oh yea, it's going to be a good night.

*after like 30 more shots and many drinks later.*
I lost Denis, but I didn't know how. I didn't really care at this point, all I cared about was this glass of alcohol in my hand and the lad that's grinding into me, like right now. He moved my hair and started nibbling on my neck, making me turn around. He rested his hands on my bum as we started to make out. One hand gripping his hair, the other holding my drink. Drink. Speaking of...
"drink" I murmured, pulling away from him.
"you thirsty baby?" he asked me, running his hands all over me. I nodded, chugging my drink and found a table to set it at.
"wanna have some shots with me?" I asked the guy, I don't even know his name. Where is Denis? Denis. My Denis. I miss him. Before I could go look for him the man took my hand and lead me to the bar table. I after sober as I asked for six shots of whiskey. The man next to me told the bartender to put it on his tab. I felt fuzzy and my sensitivity was spiked high. I don't care. The bartender handed us the shots and I took three along with the lad next to me.
"you know how to drink." he said, or at least I think he said it. I can't hear over the music and other people yelling. I laughed and smiled. I felt my feet ache in these heels and I told him I will be right back, but he insisted to follow me. I shrugged and grabbed his hand, leading him outside to the car we used to get here. I tried opening the door but it was locked. I groaned and light kicked the tire.
"it's lo-" before I could finish the car made the unlocking sound. I yelped and looked around, drunk people were scattered here and there around this part of Las Vegas. I opened the door and chucked my heels into the car, bending down to get my Nikes. I felt someone smack my bum, making me yelp. I turned around to see the man laughing. He looks good. I thought. His curly hair, framing his chiseled features. I went and got my shoes on as best as I could and then closed the door. It locked soon after. I looked to see anyone I knew. No one, but as soon as I was about to go inside I saw smoke from a cigarette, I looked around the corner in the dark, feeling around the walls for someone, anyone. The man I was with kept telling me to get back inside. After a while he groaned and went back inside. I sighed and kept stumbling around in the dark.
"it's dangerous to walk in the dark, you could fall." a voice called out, a voice that I craved to hear. I yelled quietly.
"Denis?" I asked out, no answer. I heard rocks shuffling, making their way towards me. I felt a light touch on my arm making me flinch away.
"it's me, no need to worry." Denis said quietly. But loud enough for me to hear over the music that's inside. I smiled and wrapped him into a hug.
"I lost you." I slurred out. I felt him nod.
"after the first couple found of shots you disappeared, I tried looking for you but people kept trying to distract me from looking for you so I went out here." he said, his breath hitting my neck every once in a while.
"well I'm glad I found you, I missed you." I laughed. He sighed and broke the hug. I frowned, I want to be close to you.
"who was that guy you were with?" he asked me. I shrugged.
"I don't know. I don't really care anymore." I mumbled. Reaching out just to touch him. But not being able to feel him. My fingertips are freezing. Everything gone muffled and fuzzy. What's happening?
"yes, Elizabeth?" his voice seemed far and distant, like he was walking away from me.
"Denis! Don't leave!" I yelled, trying to get closer to him, but something stopped me, I couldn't walk.
"Elizabeth I'm right here, I'm holding you." he said. I shook my head and held onto him. "I love you Denis." I said, searching for his lips in the dark. He gripped my tighter and deepened the kiss, mumbling something over and over. I can't hear him. It's so cold, and I'm so tired... Where am I?
"Elizabeth, I have loved you ever since I laid my eyes on you." I smiled and kissed him lightly, telling him I loved him. that was the last thing I heard before I closed my eyes and everything went black.

Mangled // Denis Stoff (Sequel To Mistakes // Denis Stoff)Where stories live. Discover now